
@WildMercury: I like that guys pokemon stuff a whole lot better than this guy, the stuff on this page looks grotesque rather than real.

@Sharkey1337: it would still share the same qualities as nidoking with that logic

@jellotek: I suppose so but he looked healthy in the movie. when he was in the tube

If pokemon were grotesque, more like

@Cantatus: damn....wait, that barely looks anything like gengar. the only similarity I find is that it's short and is purple.

@jellotek: literally, I think it's anorexia because I can see all it's bones

plain sight. I know it's and indie game but who cares.

@dataPOG: that pet is into some pretty kinky stuff

old news

@gmuslera: smell-o-vision already exists

@SAThorn: I feel bad for those pets

Proof by example generalizations makes me so angry!

DoF in borderlands is a dx11 only feature? But I don't even have a DX11 card!

that's old news, really old news

If there is a god, this would be proof of his existence