
@2 replies by: But remember that microsoft doesn't follow the w3.org, they have their own interpretation of it in ie6 then another interpretation of it in ie7 and then again in ie8. So developers can't write standard w3c complaint code and have it work in ie. Thats what I refer to as ie6html. its much like the

It would be a lot easier if Microsoft had actually followed standards. I'm stuck on IE6 at work because most of the internal web sites were written in MSIE6html instead of real html and won't work with newer versions or other browsers.

I wonder if netbooks play into that, how many have a desktop and netbook?

whats the eek for? And if you don't like guns why are there big adds all over with a picture of a guy pointing a gun with the number 24 behind him?

Was there one for best photo sharing? I was about to pay for the 50G Picasa but found out they have the limits on the mobile site and seem to prevent using the full site from Android.

We bought a pair of netbooks last year. Well actually I bought myself one then my wife called me at work the next day from the store asking what model it was so she could get one. They replaced our laptops and we put both laptops up for sale after not using them for 6 months. We don't miss the full laptops at all.

As someone else said the winmo and BB phones are missing. Also the Verizon Droid data plan is not limited to 5G, tethering will be when available but its not yet so I know they can't be including tethering. So that makes me wonder what other data is innacurate.

Not all cars turn on the AC with defrost, wife had a coworker complaining about how long it too to defrost her toyota and it turns out it didn't so the co worker has to turn the ac on manually to get it to defrost faster, but even then when the temp gets too cold it won't turn the ac on, mine won't when the outside

Except you forget that most tech savy people already know and follow all the advice listed here yet windows still needs reinstalled from time to time. Yes, you have to keep it maintained, the problem was maintaining a windows pc for me, then another for my wife, another for the kids, another for a server, then a

Windows 7, next year you can finally have features Linux anready had 5 years ago.

I couldn't get my wife to not have a 'home' number when we moved so I went with a bundled internet/cable/phone package, so while we still have a land line phone its not using a land line.

Synaptics touchpad, I just can't use a mouse anymore

whats with the puching of IE8 at the top of the comments

technically outlook isn't an os default since it comes with office and not the OS.

Half of these are nothing to do with home automation. I'm not a fan of the auto bill pay either, since most of my bills are slightly different amounts each month it doesn't make much sense anyway. I simply sign into my bank when I get a bill and pay it.

Be very careful with bigwords.com. Wife ordered hers from them then when it came time for school to start she called to ask where they were and found out they order them from the school and ship them. She didn't get one of her books until 3 weeks after class starts and the customer service for bigwords acted like it

got tired of having to always tinker and maintain windows to keep it working. When it gets to where you have to spend most of your evenings keeping you av, antispyware, etc up to date then your working for your computer not your computer working for you. Since I've switched I am so much more productive, have so much

Minor editing note, ActiveSync is all one word. In windows mobile forums when your searching for an ActiveSync problem I find you have to search twice, once for Activesync and once for "Active sync" because so many people type it wrong but if you don't know to search both ways you miss half the posts.