
I don't agree with keeping data on the windows side if your not going to make a shared partiton, keep it on the side you will use most. Same with a shared partition, format it a file system native to the mostused OS. My dual boot I have a shared partition running ext3 and am using the ext3 driver for windows for the

It always amazes me how far ahead of Windows or OS X the KDE desktop is.

I tend to schedule Dr visits and my credit report around jan/feb so my end of year tasks are starting the planning for next year rather then trying to get everything done before the end of the year.

I've been using ext2fs for a couple years now for those few times I boot windows.

Their chart isn't very sccurate. Their vampire load for the laptop for example is way too high, its almost as high as my laptop when its running normally.

I closed all mine except for the one or two cards we have with existing banks where we have chacking or savings accounts. Makes it easer to have fewer places to log in to get account statements, less numbers to know to call if a wallett were to be stolen. My credit report went down in the short tems due to closing a

I still haven't found anything as good a Kphotoalbum

I like the format, how it just lists all the weeks out, but the holidays don't fit in well since they sometimes fall on thesame line as the months. Maybe there should be another column (it breaks a basic data rule of having more than one time of data in a data set, i.e. in the month colum you have month name data and

This is built in to Windows 2000 and newer because Kerboros needs to have the clocks sync'ed when your on a domain. net time setsntp and the ip of the time server(s). Nt4 and older you needed the resource kit tool but 2000 and newer its already there.

I'm using a work provided laptop with dual monitors so that means no real software, stuck with XP and IE. is there any way to make XP use dual monitors properly. Like when you have a browser window open on one monitor and it pops up a dialog on the other, IMHO is should pop up the dialog in front of where I'm looking.

"Five Things Yahoo Search Can Do That Google Cannot"

I keep an emergency bag in my closet in my bedroom. It has things like some first aid, radio, batteries, flashlights, bottles of water and my laptop sleeve. If I would ever need to leave I grab it and my laptop. I've gone paperless for all my important items, scanned pictures, etc. If there is more time I can grab the

Cross platform is the issue for me as well. I've found that most file types have their own metadata fields so you can tag at the file level. Pictures, pdf's, etc all have it.

yea, could use a better name.

I didn;t say that. I said gasoline removes grease quite well, why not use it, because it gives off harmfull vapors. Not there is where the simaliarity is with amonia, it gives off harmfull vapors too.

"This trick is fine as long as the door of your oven closes relatively tightly. Then, the next morning open a kitchen window and turn on a fan when you open the oven"