Make-everything-touch-screen-fad, go away now please
Make-everything-touch-screen-fad, go away now please
Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Richard Spencer. Reeeeeeeeee!!!
Change the subject, good job textbook Liberal move schelprock. You made claims about crazy Right beliefs and ideas. Please share with us the platform of the Right that you know so much about. I gave you a bunch of examples off the-top-of-my-head because they are being shoved down all our throats, please we are all…
White people
Typical response from totally clueless Liberal Mentally Slow dumbass.
Give me some mainstream right wing crazy beliefs. We don’t want anecdotes from the Tea Party gatherings from hillbillies nor the ideas supported by 61 Nazis from the Charlotte protests. What are the main right wing crazy beliefs? Build a Barrier and Deport Criminal Aliens? Calling out Kim Jun Mentally Ill? Using…
I’ve got a little GM roadster, 4 banger turbocharged. It is heavily modified 350 whp. It is a very quiet car given it’s power level, with a turbocharger ‘muffler’ and a muffler muffler. I enjoy smashing pony cars and vettes with stupid obnoxious loud exhausts.
So then it is not fast.
You make a good point, but it is not relevant to this discussion. We’re talking about going fast and we are TELLING YOU drifting is not fast. It Is Not Fast.
Is Raphael trolling or a complete tool? Last I deeply researched, there is no advantage to drifting on hard tracks, if anything it is a huge disadvantage. I’d agree there are advantages in off-road racing, but your example clearly did not show off-road racing.
“This is Likely Untrue” followed with a laymans view of cars. Dude, try out some science and make some valid points.
Specific Energy of Gasoline: 45 MJ/kg
What really happens in our society is we bumper bowl, the ball just keeps bouncing back and forth between extreme ideas and views. Throwing a strike down the middle is seen as a big loss for both gutters (Left gutter, Right gutter). It’s a bad cycle of over-correction, and we’re ramping up to a huge right swinging…
Now way that Indian guy who screams and electrocutes himself would be most enjoyable.
Garbage article. Blaming a city for Chrysler Rot.
Yeah dumbass, just let all these people go, they are all angels every last one.
And somehow U.S. female citizens are oppressed to the point that girls and now boys.
This is proof all females are males.
Professional racecar drivers crash too, that is also embarrassing for them.