
They're licking all the copies of Rock Band they're shipping... they don't have TIME for anything else...

It's starting to sound like a matter of financing... or rather, Konami won't spare any coin to develop a killer game un;ess it has the words "Metal Gear" in it.

you better PRAY this doesn't come out over here, Midway... even the mediocre MvC2 was better than what I'ms eeing from MK vs DC

I don't even like the guy, and I want to see him treated fairly here... so I won't have to keep feeling sorry for him later...

Oh god I hope that means Gouto made it... I hated losing him at the end...

@KingKevin: I'm ashamed of you for having an account in the first place...

Like you expected the competition to say anything else...

And the minute he picked one, we'd be swamped with fanboy articles bragging about how SONY wants ********** for the PS3, but you can only play it on X BOX 360.

Why the hell do we have to vote? if we can get characters we never asked for(Rufus) why not just bring them all back?

... yeah, I wonder how that All Star Batman and Robin book is coming along...

They're gonna f*ck around and make the man so depressed, he won't make us ANYMORE Castlevania games...

waitaminute.. his name is Chuck BEAVER?!?!?

As long as it's good, no one will care WHAT it is

Well, it's been a while since one of our boys puffed his chest out and bashed the console that seems to STILL be outselling the competition, and it's been a while since I've been able to use my line..

I don't care what they do to it, it still has to be good before I buy it...