
“She is the living embodiment of everything people hate about politics.”

What the hell is your point here? Of course nudity isn’t inherently misogynist. But what this clown is saying wreaks of “sluts taking their clothes of for attention”—in fact, they’re fucking saying just that. That is based in misogyny, dude. Also, there are no long diatribes, so.... yeah. That post practically smells

I am a single, childless people in my life!

On the one hand, they could die tomorrow and leave their child an orphan.


Or it could be complete bullshit. I’d be very suspect of the statics, especially the one mentioning abortion kills more in a week than the KKK has ever killed - no one knows that number. Not every Klan murder made the news, no one was keeping those records in the 1880s.

Maybe that’s because black women find themselves disproportionately in a scenario that warrants abortion as an option. You know, like low-income, lack of education, etc...

Maybe I’m just lucky, but I’ve literally never met any of those lots of women who don’t care about their children’s welfare.

There’s actually no scientific evidence that light drinking while pregnant is harmful to the fetus (all the data comes from binge drinking mothers). Approximately two thousand years of women moderately drinking while pregnant (and in plenty of modern cultures, like large swaths of Europe) show pretty well that you can

I consider myself a Christian but don’t preach or thump. I don’t care who you marry or what bathroom you use. I think there are many more reasonable Christians out there like us than there are ridiculous idiots. They just yell louder while the rest of us don’t care.

Funny thing is, leaving is absolutely the opposite of what Jesus would have done.

bobby this sounds an awful lot like body shaming

“shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S”

Exactly. If it can’t be used to exert (white) power and fear, it's too dangerous and vulgar. If it is used to create solidarity between poc, eliminate it immediately.

I as a white person feel uncomfortable if anyone *but* black folk use either form of the conjugation. I feel white folk are not entitled to it. (We feel entitled to too much already.)

You know how I know this pic is BS the dads white pants aren't stained. I swear since being married and having a kid my son will dirty all my clothes with his dirty ass hands that always have ketchup on them.

I think the trailer was bad too (and I’ve never been accused of sexism for saying that kind of thing, Aren’t you a little paranoid?), and I still think that the reason it gots so much hate is definitely interpersonal and interenalised sexism.

To be fair, most white people are comfortable with jokes about race as long as they’re the ones making it, not the ones receiving it. At least from my experience. Props to Wilmore though. His show deserves more recognition than it gets.

Anybody in the public eye gives up some of their privacy. But when someone goes and picks a performer name most of us get that we shouldn’t play amateur detective to track down their real info. If an author is at a book signing that doesn’t give us the OK to follow them home.

I don’t get the point you’re making here. Lot’s of behavior is risky, that doesn’t excuse the people that exploit that.