
Well, I just keep getting the feeling that Trump doesn’t 100% believe the shit spewing from his mouth. He looooves the attention, and so I think if he (god forbid) wins, he won’t be nearly as conservative as Rubio or Cruz. Trump’s a cartoon villain, Cruz is legitimately evil.

Wow, that’s quite the ‘long game’, as they say...

If I were the Olsens I wouldn’t want to spend any extra time around Candice Cameron no matter how much they were paying me.

Even if you take out the racial aspect, the slavery aspect... isn’t this just... treasonous? How dare you say you support our troops, how dare you proclaim that America is the “greatest country” in the world... how dare you do those things and then laud a group of people who rose up against that nation and fought with

or make them buy 2 seats.

How sad is Jeb! right now that his parents finally came to a school play and he isn’t even in it.

because we sluts spread our legs, i really don’t know how to explain it

Everyone’s house is always on fire.

Because it completely disregards the message of the statement which is saying that the status quo suggests that black lives do NOT matter and that other lives do. It’s not to say that “all lives matter” is a bad sentiment (clearly it is not)... but if you want to shine a spotlight on mistreatment... you need to

Because white people are doing fine yah dumb fuck

This. This also applies to you #bluelivesmatter d*cks too. Cops have always mattered.

How many times do people need to be told that the inherent implication behind black lives matter IS all lives matter?!?!

Oh, shit. This is the most I’ve ever liked Zuckerberg. That third paragraph is quite succinct and effective.

Sometimes you forgive because it's what's best for you, personally. You don't always forgive for the other person.

I and my editor at SB Nation hoped to find possible answers as to what could have led to him to become a convicted rapist and sexual predator.

Right - probably every thing on the phone is available to the investigation elsewhere. This isn’t about this phone, it’s about forcing Apple to bend to their will and provide tools to bypass encryption whenever “needed” in the future.

The problem is that you have to “punch up” and this seems to be punching down. A white man making fun of “dumb, shallow women”.

I’m fine with it. It happened at an event. The current political climate affects children, too. We need a reminder of that.

If we’re going to complain about using kids, then we should tell families to keep their kids home. Families use their children, too, to get the politicians’ attention. I’m 90% sure her parents

The parents of trans girls don’t want their daughters to use the bathroom with young men who are going through their natural hormonal changes, either, especially since that poses far more of a risk to them than to a cis girl sharing a bathroom with a trans girl.

Statistically, the drive to and stay in America will probably kill me first.