
Happy, jealous, same thing. **I’m half joking, but half serious. They look really happy and in love. She didn’t wait for the People magazine spread. Fuck that, she posted that shit on Instagram for the world to see. Good on you girl. If I were marrying him and looked like her, my Instagram would chronicle every second

Hmm, I have this problem but it’s not because of who my husband looks at. I’m 100000000% sure I stare at women and think about their bodies more than he does. I always wonder how my life would be different if I wasn’t so envious.

their viewers complain if they repeat outfits too frequently.

I wish I had this much spare brainmatter time to waste. Do these people not have jobs or pets or friends? Get a fucking cactus or something, you losers.

I don’t understand how people can make their own fly by night churches. It’s a total scam. A get rich quick scheme run by charismatic spiritual snake oil salesmen. It’s a quick way to make money off gullible fools while spouting off hate as they hide behind whatever wrong headed, backwards flavor of Christanity is in

This will be the last Behind Closed Ovens to appear on Kitchenette.

This will be the last Behind Closed Ovens to appear on Kitchenette. It will not, however, be the last Behind Closed Ovens. Starting next Monday, November 30, the series will continue on Wonkette. If you’d like to read more crazy restaurant stories in the future, feel free to tune in over there at your

Yeah, that kid is dead. I hope Rick goes all Rick on him.

Coral may be in big trouble for cockblocking Enid’s BF...that kid’s a lil trigger happy.


Did Kara Brown get a job at UoO?

Hm, looks like the moment that Jezebel writer activities came under the microscope we see a sudden shift. Enjoy your monster, Dr. Frankenstein

Well then, no more tacos, chinese food, coffee, eyebrow thredding, etc, etc, etc, for you Centre for Students With Disabilities at the University of Ottawa.

“Many of these cultures are cultures that have experienced oppression, cultural genocide and diasporas”

It is very seldom not the husband so assuming it was doesn't quite amount to a conspiracy theory.

This is so incredibly idiotic, and over the top that it really seems like this must be someone who is intentionally trying to make college liberals seem like idiots.

Unintended but related vile consequence: concern over insensitive cultural appropriation of yoga due to (in part) it being a sacred religious practice NOW FEEDS the idiots who litter Facebook with “YOGA is NOT CHRISTIAN!!!!!! WHEN YOU STRETCH FOR MENTAL HEALTH, THE SAINTS WEEP!!!!” memes. Damn. It.

I loved how Sofia’s twenty-something son was fanboying the hardest over the wedding.

Oh, girl, get some...

As theories go, “the husband/boyfriend did it” is usually the most likely one, so while your friend might be crazy in this instance her tinfoil hat may not need too much adjustment.