
Because there’s no money for the ex-wife in a criminal case.

Isn’t the gap there because of Women? I mean if more women took an interest in eSports and in getting better and better and the game, we would have more teams with both men and women.

Runbow! Super fun game. I didn’t even know it was coming to the XB1, let alone free.

Particularly if that rug pulled the whole room together.

I KNEW it! hah! Wait till I tell my AOL group about...


Uh, there’s something missing from the right side of that controller...

Yea agree! wtf is that. I’m 35, its not that hard to intelligently troll or trash talk without being ignorant. I also don’t get using “cancer” to describe bad things/characters in the game, find other words.

Not to get off topic, but one of the clips you posted above is labeled “Literal Autism in motion”.

This take is so hot I am currently cooking two eggs on it.

Duck Season! (Or am I off by a letter?)

Put it on Charmander and he’ll be unstoppable!

Price is Right Games Ranked?

You have to play Symphony of the Night otherwise you’re just missing out on life!

Hasn’t stopped the Pats...

your right,

That’s what Quick Play is for, my dude. Practice.


to nearly everyone it resembled a penis and testicles