
Does the Laura Palmer action figure have a pull chord that launches her incredibly shrill scream?  If not... I’m out!

I think Trump secretly thinks he can save Andre the Giant from unemployment. But you’re no Wallace Shawn, Trump!

Yes!  Thank you. I should have known better. 

Oh, damn. who is Larry?  What is Dud’s dad’s name? ... now I feel like a hobo viewer.

Drew, thanks for the shout out to the Cal State Fullerton Titans!! 

Fuck her and your Bernie-worshiping apologizing for her. No, Susan Sarandon didn’t loose us the election. But it’s the WAY she’s so fucking arrogant about it and flaunts herself around almost like she’s inviting the scorn that pisses me off. No, this isn’t anywhere near the biggest deal in my life today, but she

I worked the ride at Disneyland in the late 80s, and even then we were told to shoot the gun in the air to scare the hippo off, not actually point at the hippo.

Oh, that may be it. You’re right. But she did ask about Dud’s father and if he had planned any trips to Mexico, no?


My favorite onscreen “creep” of all time. Don’t ever stop being you, Brett!

Is anyone else thinking that Mary Elizabeth Ellis’s “Law Provider” character is a secret lost sibling?  I feel like she sought out Dud and this “case” to somehow let this all come out in discovery. 

These people always develop amnesia over their own hyperbolic levels of hypocrisy. 

What should he be doing or drinking?  The man has been sober for 40 years. I see him at my AA meetings. He’s very down to earth with everyone there. He goes by “Tony” in our circles. 

I’m really glad the wait is a little shorter for Season 3.  Glad to see they’re still going to spend plenty of time on the parents, too. Great characters. 

Great special and the Gaffigan I love. Didn’t do as much of what I call the “3rd party talking voice,” but it was good when he did it. (e.g. “Is he going to keep going with the horse jokes?!”)

I’m an easy critic and this film doesn’t look the least bit interesting to me.

... says the clear Bernie supporter. Only Bernie supporters would think the DNC would support someone -- in a rigged way -- as progressive as Elizabeth Warren. Please. Stop acting like Liz isn’t just your guy only likable. 

Which one?  There were 4!  The puppy guy was the one I’m most worried about. 

Grant -- fuck Nate Poole or the groomsman?!  That whole comment has me twisted, man. Be more clear!!

Good thing the Republican Party is self-policing him out of existence. ... Oh, what’s that?... Oh!