
The “hero” of our story is a total asshole, actually. Having a movie as big as Infinity War being spoiled sucks. But to invest a year of time building a fake friendship, with just the HOPE that you are going to see Endgame before the other guy, only to screw him over... that’s a sickness, man. Life must be treating

Nah, nothing’s better than a “shorty.” 

My friends and I have also been theorizing about Arya using Jamie’s face!  Good to know we’re not alone. 

Nah... they’ve done that one already. 

Speaking of ... SPOILER QUESTION: (avert your eyes now, not-yet-viewers)

This “nowhere else to build in L.A.” notion is a MYTH. Look UP, young man. Take many of the business corridor streets you enjoy outside of downtowns. They are maybe 1 and 2 story business buildings. ALL of them should have 3 stories of housing on top of them.

It’s a good thing these environmental challenges are “just cyclical.” 

Maybe all of the celebrities get cast by saying they’re on the “crew” (team)

I don’t know, but I think Dan thinks he just saw Rock Hudson and Elizabeth Taylor at the diner.

Whoa!  Nice comparison and Parks & Rec pull!  

Texas’ demographics can’t change quickly enough if we’re going to prevent this scourge of a man from becoming the next Governor of Texas or a Senator.

It’s going to be a tough seat to win, and I think her spending time on reversing or fighting voter suppression / registering voters might serve her better if she tries for a rematch with Kemp in 2022.

I watched the first several episodes before I realized only about an hour had passed. So, yeah ... keep ‘em coming when you can, Tim!

I need not read this piece to know that when these two are paired together... good times ensue. Bring it on!

Does anyone else see Beric’s sacrafice as a bit Christlike in its stagecraft? He holds his arms out like arms on a crucifix to block the army of the dead from catching up to Hound and Arya, allowing for the life that eventually saves humanity to get to safety. Plus, he was brought back they repeatedly say, for some

What don’t they have a “Bs” debate (Biden, Beto, Bernie, Buttigieg, Booker) and then an everyone else debate?  I mean, how is this any make any less sense than whatever kooky formula they come up with?

Who is the sure-fire laugh track candidate that gets center square? ... I hate to say it, but maybe Biden?  He’s sure to step on his dick and say something campaign-ending every time?

Hey, not for nothing, but it can’t be a coincidence that the best friend in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy AND GOT are named “Sam,” can it? Samuel Tarly has to be a GRRM’s hat-tip to Tolkien, right?

As an Angeleno and big LAFC fan, it’s nice to see Vela and the team in general get some attention. The Banc of California Stadium is a phenomenal experience. The 3252 a madhouse group of fans, and the team a TON of fun and a bunch of guys who clearly have chemistry and play with passion and love for the game. I hope

When a great guy named John Chiang was our State Controller in California, he tried to create a State-sponsored EZ online filing system for State taxes... Intuit fought him tooth and nail and it never happened.