The Cap'n

agreed. Just tried it myself and was impressed with its stability. All it's missing is a Chromecast option.

was just coming on to post the name of the dance troupe.

Yes. I've used that. It isn't really any better of an option than the Roku app except that I can access my albums quicker. Now if they added a Casting option to the iOS app...

I can see your point. For me, I use my TV more for music than I do for video at this point. I only use Roku (and occasionally Chromecast) to watch anything. No cable and no over the air. No DVD player either as that died and I haven't felt it's worthwhile to replace. And since I replaced my stereo with a great

Where's the ROKU love? The Spotify App is long overdue for an update.

If you have a decent sound system hooked up, streaming music to your TV works great.

Thank you. So many people have a misunderstanding of what not-for-profit means. The profit doesn't apply to the organization, it applies to the general public meaning you cannot invest in the company and make a financial gain when the company does like a shareholder. These organizations should be making a profit so

I'm surprised at the moving to SF from Oakland. For most people, it's the other way around. (Not for me though. I love the East Bay.)

Now playing

Most will do both but prefer you watch it on Vimeo. Here's the YT version if you want that:

Now playing

Most will do both but prefer you watch it on Vimeo. Here's the YT version if you want that:

I remember the MOTO ROKR that someone posted but I was actually using, and loving, the Sony Walkman810i for a number of years. It was super durable, fairly easy to use and load mp3 player, and for the day, had a pretty great camera. Sony had a few pretty great Walkman phones before the iPhone came out. Downside was no

One more reason I'm happy that I dropped the contract carriers and just get the same $45/mo bill from cricket.

i'm not a kotaku reader. followed a link from gizmodo. i'm not a gamer so i don't have those machines. regardless, if you have more than one tv in the house, you probably don't have a gaming system on each one (maybe you do? i haven't had a console since the original playstation) so a roku or chromecast is a cheaper

i'm not a kotaku reader. followed a link from gizmodo. i'm not a gamer so i don't have those machines. regardless,

Agreed. I picked up a Chromecast but it just wasn't cutting it. Got a roku and couldn't be happier. Still have the Chromecast though. it was so cheap and i'm sure it will get there some day but for now, roku rules. And I thought the ability to plug headphones into the remote was goofy until the girlfriend complained

Agreed. I picked up a Chromecast but it just wasn't cutting it. Got a roku and couldn't be happier. Still have the

Agreed. I picked up a Chromecast but it just wasn't cutting it. Got a roku and couldn't be happier. Still have the Chromecast though. it was so cheap and i'm sure it will get there some day but for now, roku rules. And I thought the ability to plug headphones into the remote was goofy until the girlfriend complained

Agreed. I picked up a Chromecast but it just wasn't cutting it. Got a roku and couldn't be happier. Still have the

Meaning, any book can be like a book on tape, all in your Kindle app.

That's a bowler

And here we're going to paint a happy little tree. He's just hanging out on the side of this mountain. Isn't that nice?

Thanks. Thanks so much for reinforcing the snob bicyclist. Seriously. These companies should show a cheap bike. Most people are not riding around on some $2000 bike. They're riding what they got. If they see these products on only high end bikes, they may not associate with the product. If they were advertising some