
It’s about when he married relative to his experience. If he married her at 40 under the same circumstances (virginal and inexperienced) it would be too early too.

Not sure why this is the hill you want to die on. So what if Dan negated the writer’s opinion? He isn’t even trying to change the LW’s perspective, just the framing, in order to facilitate a graceful exit from the relationship, which is what the LW asks for in the first place.

IMO the word “repulsive” is so dehumanizing. I think Dan is right that she’s just not his type, and that’s okay.

I think he is talking about mental age. Considering how immature this guy sounds in his letter, can you imagine how stunted his emotional growth was at the time of his marriage? He is probably a good decade behind his average peer.

I agree he should have left it at “I married the first woman I had sex with and turns out I’m not physically attracted to her at all.” The advice would have been the same in the end but a) he wouldn’t have sounded like a jerk and b) it makes me worry that his next marriage is going to swing the pendulum in the exact

He was very good and realistic in "Prisoners" (Villanueve i think)

I’d say that movie proves that Christensen really thrives when his character is SUPPOSED to be a whiny, self-pitying, contemptible little prick.