You must mean the electric car lobby, because the issue is hardly as straightforward as people like to think it is.
You must mean the electric car lobby, because the issue is hardly as straightforward as people like to think it is.
Yes. It is that bad. AWD at a minimum.
That is one horrible paint scheme. Wow, that does not work at all.
Interesting that DT likes the smell of PB...I absolutely *hate* it and have been using Kroil to get away from that smell.
Interior looks pretty cool, but the exterior styling is garbage. It looks like a camry. The Spec-B generation wasn’t anything overly special, but it looked decent and not-camry-like.
I’m shocked...SHOCKED...that her relationship with Klitschko didn’t work out.
So, I was getting sick every time I traveled. Not when I was thin and exercising, mind you, but when I refatulated it really became a problem again. Not being one to go halfway on anything, I ordered a big thing of super size medical device wipes. I mean, clorox wipes are cool and everything, but do the chemicals…
Serial left lane blocker, absolutely no question about it.
You had me at, “giant air hockey puck”
You had me at, “giant air hockey puck”
David Tracy’s automotive preferences are becoming genuinely upsetting to me. The line of valueless shitboxes in his fleet is obvious but you think, “hey, he’s an automotive journalist, he’s an enthusiast, there’s got to be something about these cars”. Like, I would expect the rust to be strategically placed such that…
This. Exactly this.
“Putting aside the obvious irony of Greene using a decently prominent platform to complain about his political marginalization”
I am all about police accountability and proportional force. I think both the US and UK are already sliding down a very slippery slope with the power the police currently have. But...
The biggest thing it is missing is 33" tires. Seems like they had some good ideas of what the first things you’d do to a truck to take it offroading are, but it definitely needs bigger tires.
All the pro-2a trumpettes heads are exploding. They seem to be willing to forgive any and all liberal policies he pushes out there, of which there are ever so many, but this will get some of them pretty riled.
I love this shit. Clearly socialist policies the trumpettes deny are socialist. They’re doing everything they can to entangle government and private industry.
Or just buy a built LSx for 20 grand and be over 1000 HP.
To be fair, getting up to 94mph in a Corvette is pretty much like getting up to 35 in any other car. Dat torque.
The idea is that the judges on the court should be the most dedicated to the law, the principles, and I think it is difficult for the public to understand what that actually means. The fact that our legal system is based on precedent is lost on most people, and I really hesitate to allow them to reform the system when…