
He just wants to have sex with America and has been reading too much ‘pick up artist’ literature. 

Maybe we shouldn’t allow motorcycles and fieros to share the same barn. Sometimes you end up with a mule and sometimes you end up with a donkey. 

Tina Fey in a moment of honesty allowed Donaghey to describe her thusly: ‘1JackSure. I got you. New York third-wave feminist, college educated, single and pretending to be happy about it, over scheduled, undersexed, you buy any magazine that says “healthy body image” on the cover, and every two years you take up

I think they should have asked Dot Com. I think he would have some insights from classical literature on ironizing the current zeitgeist. 

Two black swans!?!

It depends on where you are going and what you have to bring with. Single person with a backpack should take the train. Family with a dog gets more complicated.

I mean even in the before times the subway was a Petri dish of pizza rats and human excrement. Plus the obligatory F train masterbater.  The corona may not have made it worse but let’s not pretend we live in Singapore.  

Six month old model without significant changes from current that was specified in the original post, and I don’t know or really care where you live, but it seems like it sucks.

7 grand will get you a new 2019 street twin. 

It’s called being married. 

Corona California is Florida with a dryer heat. 

It prevent pregnancy. 

So how does the phone interface with the crank handle? 

*A tension


Time to buy some leather gloves!

Um the room was built by union labour when the White House was renovated. 

Which ever one they could get to fit him. 

I mean I’d put a deposit in OJs gloved hand if they would just release the damn truck.