
The bulk mulch was $80 cheaper and the delivery was $100. There isn’t access for a semi so they would have had to run a donkey about a mile down a country road. It was just easier to throw it all in a transit and pull right up to the site. Plus it was a couple days for delivery and I had everything done in about three

The transit 250 killed my desire to own a truck. And this was with 3000lbs of bagged mulch in the back and cooked brakes.

Businesses in my neighborhood play bagpipe music at night to keep the homeless away. Maybe the city is actually being proactive for once. 

In my wallet? Also the light sodomy from the thirteen over lapping agencies who want the same information on slightly different forms. 

So what you are saying is Spielberg needs to figure out how to get it to play the close encounters of the third kind tones?

‘Human music’

You know curlers and wavey hair irons exists right?

Yes she beat a white woman by 281 votes and the incumbent mayor didn’t participate. 

But was he a pedo in a pizza parlor. The internet needs to know! 

No I read it, why did he get rough treatment when the officer didn’t know him from Adam and the other four did not? This is his side of the story not the whole story.

So you were arrested for being out after curfew. We have to have a curfew because you personally have inflamed tensions in this town.

All unions in this country exist to protect the shittiest worker. Anyone who has worked in one will tell you.

*arrests went down. 

I inverted the number in my mind to $24k and then got really excited then read it again and got really sad.

The Boston tea party didn’t do anything, we had a war. The civil act movement was passed by a racist President who said explicitly that it would guarantee African American votes and the French Revolution led to Neopolean twice.

Articles like this are why no one wants to listen to you. The lack of self reflection is staggering. 

Where do I sign up to discuss the failure of Du Bois-ism and it’s apocalyptic consequences for people of colour?

Your neighborhood can go first. 

Under Represented Minority.

If the Australians ever figure out how to ship hydrogen in  Ammonia to be cracked on board and fed into a PEM stack batteries will be a thing of the past.