I was hoping for some sort of ghastly video of Turner from the 80's speaking about the curse that is humanity and how we have likely brought whatever disaster we'd be facing upon ourselves.
I was hoping for some sort of ghastly video of Turner from the 80's speaking about the curse that is humanity and how we have likely brought whatever disaster we'd be facing upon ourselves.
"We'd each had three to five cookies. Something like ten times a normal get-you-really-baked dose. The rest of the day was chaos as the entire staff tried valiantly to make it through a very busy shift while mind-bogglingly stoned."
No problem :)
I see no reason why there shouldn't be.
To your favor, I don't think I've seen any male prostitutes...yet. But with GTA Online (which is really all we play now) we both have female protagonists. And our characters kill a lot of pixels that resemble both men & women.
My cousins in France play this game too, but none of them have shot up any schools. So weird.
You said that it "sounds so melodramatic that you couldn't take it seriously", so yeah, it sounded like you needed a little bit of context so it wouldn't seem so melodramatic. If I thought you were a moron, I wouldn't have given a thoughtful reply.
There is nothing melodramatic about it if you understand the history of the country and the relationship between Iran and the United States up until that time. After the US undermined the first spark of democracy in the middle east by staging a coup in Iran to remove the democratically elected Prime Minister…
Marg means death in Persian; when you hear "Marg bar Amrika" they are shouting "Death To America", but what you should know is that once the state tv cameras go off, the crowds shouting this tend to dissipate... it's like Two Minutes Hate in 1984. Even when Iranians believed this propaganda, they weren't calling for…
But I'm still allowed to be afraid of ISIS, rite guise?
I'm actually just fine getting a middle seat just so long as it's within the first 1/3rd of the plane. I've been in boarding group C plenty of times, and was happy with the choices available within the first 4 rows.
I'll bet you're first in line for ALL the chick flicks. I mean Rom-Coms. I mean films.
Not unless public feeding was noisy as fuck. But it's not all the parent's fault, the market is too chicken shit to offer child-free flights or take after the church with a "child room" in fear of not being "family friendly".
Except so many do, which is why we're "Mad As Hell" instead of taking a more Zen approach.
Nope, still the best!
Really annoyed how they castrated the N64 Rainbow Road track in Mario Kart 8.
I thought it was nasty too, until my brother made it for me, and now I love it.
If you use regular butter you have a higher likelihood of ingesting fat from a sick animal loaded up with hormones and antibiotics.
A lot of people are interested in paleo and self-identify, but take liberties with it's principals. When I come across a paleo recipe that calls for Splenda or Quinoa (which is often), I just replace it with a more appropriate ingredient.