
Since you are one of the Deadspin Idiots that taste-tested, then ranked, chain pizzas, which is it: the best (according, somehow, to your rankings) or trash? It can’t be both.

The revelation that Gabby was abused completely recontextualizes her comments from Friday.

Cincinnati-style Chili. Pick whichever chili parlor you prefer, but if it isn’t Skyline, you’re wrong...

Central Indiana here, and Breaded Tenderloin is the thing.

Sennheiser HD600. Ordered from Germany many years ago for about $200. At home as close to perfect as I could want, but not mobile.

Sennheiser HD600. Ordered from Germany many years ago for about $200. At home as close to perfect as I could want,

For me there is no better headphones (in it’s price range)than Koss PortaPro. They have a good sound, and are really compact (plus lifetime warranty).

You can buy one at amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Koss-PortaPro-Headphones-with-Case/dp/B00001P4ZH

For me there is no better headphones (in it’s price range)than Koss PortaPro. They have a good sound, and are really

Philips SHP9500

Philips SHP9500

It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.

“We shoulda had more time.”

I wouldn’t be so sure. If we’re talking about the recent Revis coverage, really anyone could be behind it.


I can’t believe George Lucas drives a motherfucking Jeep.

So Beckham balked at Ball, who was brandishing a baseball bat for Bene Benwikere? And Brad beckoned Beckham to back up from Ball’s bat?

ODB is a big baby, jesus.

Google ‘humour’.

Google “humor”

That’s fair. :) I really just can’t tell at all, they both feel really nice and cool to me, but you’re probably just more sensitive than I am in that department. The time I actually tried to figure out which side was the “cool” side I actually got it wrong, several times!

Also you probably have architecture buffs skulking around in your bushes trying to get a closer look at your house. The heritage thing can be a real concern. I have friends who own a home that is in an old neighbourhood that has been designated a heritage zone by the government. Most of the houses in the neighbourhood

Dammit, I really hoped I’d get to be the person who made this reference.

I’m in Oakland, and just inside a ZIP that doesn’t get it. 1/2 mile closer to the city center, and I would.