
That crypto isn’t gambling. I’ve provided sources that show that it’s much closer to gambling than it is to investment. Then you tried to spin a philosophical shitstain so you could say you were right in another way, which got shot down because you still hadn’t salvaged what you first said. Then tried again. Then said

That’s because a lot of people seem to think that the very act of suing is hurtful, either due to wasted time on the part of the defendants, legal fees, or the possibility of free money through a settlement to make the problem go away. Nevermind that even if the case gets thrown out, your lawyer will still get paid

After all, who needs foldable screens when you have a good old hinge?

I lnow you desperately want to be right, but reality isn’t dictated by what you want. Unless you provide some links to sources (like I did way above, hint hint) instead of being an amateur philosopher trying to deflect, then you are the one who is simply wrong, and can bite mine non-Roman derrierre, Socrates.

Was this supposed to be a secret? I thought it was obvious he was taking powder cocktails at this point.

This is your captain speaking. I’m sorry, but your boarding pass is two weeks out of date. You will need to leave the discussion.

Neither is being an idiot, but you seem to have that market cornered~

You mean besides actually playing it?

This one’s just stuck in the past, it seems, and that’s a bummer.

I don’t disagree, but that’s endemic of corporate culture in general and not primarily the video game industry. Video game and tech companies are standing out because they swelled their ranks during the pandemic, when everybody and their mother were shoving all their luxury money on stuff that could be used during

Everybody dies, but you’re still wrong if you’re calling what is definitively gambling (an unregulated shortstock market) actual investment. Bite mine proto-Roman derrierre, Socrates.

...which means that, if you’re savvy, you can make a lot of money.

God no. I disabled Cortana for a reason, I don’t need a more complicated nag in my OS.

It’s always funny listening to people who know nothing about what free speech actually is proceed to try and defend themselves by claiming free speech.

Not sure if you’ve ever looked at a single chart but uh, [Bitcoin’s] done nothing but provide a return.

Nah, investing is when you can reasonably expect a return. Bitcoin (and cryptocurrency in general) is gambling, a bubble that continually bursts and keeps itself propped up by new generations of idiots and suckers.

Last year, only two of the games I bought or picked up after they were dropped off the back of a truck had ultrawide support at launch. Only ten have had ultrawide support added. This is out of nearly forty games. According to Steam, only 1.8% of registered users have an ultrawide monitor. Unless you’re only playing

...casual mobile gamers were a new group? In 2014? Really?

The answer is no. The answer to the better question, “Has Elon Musk ever made a good business decision?” is also no; I attribute any business success the man’s had to people working for the companies he bankrolls knowing how to distract him long enough to make actual decisions. Twitter has quickly proven that without

Most anything Zelda. Don’t get me wrong, I had my time where I was huge on the series, particularly Link to the Past, but I bounced off Ocarina of Time hard, and didn’t complete another 3D Zelda until Wind Waker, and after that, only Minish Cap managed to catch my attention before I dropped the series. Even with