
Eh, it’s not exactly a conspiracy theory that executives time dumb, risky  moves like this to coincide with sold stock. Saying it wasn’t malicious greatly underestimates the planning abilities of these parasites.

In a vacuum, that sounds logical. But the economics of a single company, product, or medium are never in a vacuum. New competition happens all the time. People abandon a company for moral, practical, or even stupid reasons. Merely having more people to sell to does not automatically make up for this.

If you needed the crutches of Songbirds, Zimmermans, and Stun Needle Launchers? You probably needed to get better at the game anyways if you wanted to survive the alternate routes on subsequent playthroughs.

AC actually had it back in the 4A days, played a lot of it with my roommates. Sadly, they dropped it for V’s largely online PvP structure and it’s been missing since.

VR’s not a fad, but it is a massively tiny niche. It basically only has any real market share outside of gaming due to its limitations. There’s only so many interesting gaming situations you can make from a first person perspective where you manually fiddle with things with fake hands.

Incoming rant from FireAza about how well Meta's Quest line is actually doing in three, two, one...

You mean Rayden?

I always assumed Tidus was pronounced "TIDE-us" because it made so much sense. The game itself puts heavy emphasis on water, like with Tidus' weapon on the cover art, his playing of an underwater sport, the big monster thing they're trying to get rid of rises up from the ocean, the emphasis on the tides of fate vs.

That is not even remotely how that works.

I mean, in all fairness, Microsoft has done a much better job at crushing XBox than Sony, historically.

It isn’t that you can’t buy your way, it’s that you have to do so smartly and, well, within your means. Microsoft is buying Activision Blizzard, yes, but AB and its continued operating costs are still just a drop in the bucket of MS' coffers. Embracer just bought and bought and bought, assuming these franchises would

Please, this is all deflective PR buzzspeak. The real reason game budgets keep ballooning is because investors keep expecting bigger and better returns and the entire economic system has been incentivised to deliver them. Other factors like tech costs and inflation have a much smaller footprint comparatively.

/glances at header image

Still going? Must be hard to be that desperate, ha ha. Thanks for the smiles and laughs.

I can’t feel sorry for people defrauded by NFTs, because if it wasnct those, it’d be by something else. If they couldn’t put forth the token effort to see how little value they actually had, they were never going to hold onto that money in the first place.

“...and it also makes sense that you wouldn’t be able to change your race, given how much that factors into your character’s place in the world and their relationships to other people.”

Thanks for replying! I didn’t read it, but every time I see your username pop up I get a mental image of a desperate, sweaty obese man pouring through Meta-friendly articles to “prove” a point nobody was talking about in the first place and then bragging about it like he won a playground console war argument, and I

Oh, hello again! Go ahead and outline how something that costs 40% the price of a console (or more than one of the most successful consoles with the largest libraries, but that doesn’t support your claims so it’s left out *coughSwitchcough*) but plays less than five percent of those console’s libraries?

You don't have to cull your subscriptions if you never subscribed to begin with.

I’m sorry if that happened, but in fairness, crossing a progressive protest line wearing a red hat kind of falls into “really should have known better” territory. Yes, the protestors shouldn’t have done that, but that was just dumb in the "don't stick your dick in a hornet's nest" kind of way.