
Beginner friendly? You've got spell slots, prepped spells, oath charges, lay on hands charges, multiple smite skills that take both actions and bonus actions... mechanically, Paladin is a lot of things all at once.

Light Subdomain is legit ridiculous if you build around it. Burst famage, AoE, area control, and that’s all always-prepared spells, meaning you can use your other spell preps for lots of healing and support. It’s practically like having a second sorcerer who also gets Warlock’s spellcasting modifier to all cantrips.

Funnily enough, Gale is right behind Astarion in my top list of disliked BG3 characters, as I tend to dislike people who talk down at you like they’re the gods’ gift to mankind and so much smarter/better than everyone. Usually with a very foppish drawl.

Sure, buddy.

And then he dismissed my comment to gray out the inconvenient truth he didn’t want to hear. Pathetic. XD

Clearly you are not willfully stupid like these people are.

I’m personally of the opinion that anyone who would buy a Tesla is the sort of person who would think that spending twenty minutes researching their car is too much of a pain in the ass to bother with, since spending that amount of time researching anything Tesla-related would reveal just how blatantly false their

The draw is “this is as close to reality as your Star Wars wet dreams will ever get”; when your entire identity revolves around an IP because you have literally nothing else more enriching in your life, it’s worth it apparently.

Replying to yourself so everyone else doesn’t get the notice to respond to your bad take? Sad.

And the only thing you miss out on is the enchanted loot from the bodies!

So you’re the obnoxious and snobby British stereotype, got it.

Worse, there’s a way around it, a way to “correct” this for yourself, but it’s save-scumming, and you just feel dirty and rubbish.

They can’t really remove plain text without breaking things, and that’s all that it is for me; bolded text that says, “Buy Steam Gift Card :”. Adblocker got rid of whatever came after, so as far as I can tell it was typed into the article itself deliberately.

He literally said it days from launch. It was ALREADY blowing up, had already blown up, and was establishing itself comfortably in the top 3 in global sales at the time and top ten lifetime sales. I know you want to be right, but a quick Google search would have pointed that out in seconds. Don’t argue if you can’t be

Unrelated, but what's with all this "Buy Steam gift card" shit?

Buddy, Swen already stated in an interview that they'd be taking a long break and then their next project would be D:OS3. Feel free to look it up.

Whoever ultimately loses, I win.

Hard to spoil it when the evidence is right in the main promotional artwork of the game and has been the splash screen of the Early Access game since basically day one. XD

...or you could get an HP 2TB SSD in the same format with slightly lower real world speeds for $69 that doesn’t depend on having everything else in your system be from the last six months or so in order to reach them.

...or you could get an HP 2TB SSD in the same format with slightly lower real world speeds for $69 that doesn’t

We already know Larian’s next project is likely to be D:OS3. The question posed to and answered by Larian was if there was going to be an expansion, which they don’t want to do because trying to work around higher level characters in a continuation would be daunting due to how ridiculous the power curve gets. I