
The age of consent in some districts is 13, yes, but it isn’t everywhere in the country. It’s also more nuanced than that, as it’s not like our consent laws (which are pretty narrowly defined as “the age where you can legally have sex with an adult” generally speaking) and more a tie-in to old marriage age laws that

Political commentary? That’s fine. It’s expected. Tomino’s political commentary is half-baked, manchild nonsense. The series where he’s reined in tend to be much better for it.

As long as he keeps his own political commentary out of it, I’m all for it. Not reining him in is how G-Reco happened.

I feel like I’m the only person in the world who only buys games I know I’m going to play. Sales, hype, marketing, and discussion don’t sway me like it does others. Instead I look at what genre it is, the game’s features, and whether or not it’s a new franchise I’ve never played or one I’ve enjoyed before. That said,

I may be misunderstanding your point, then, because it sounds like you’re trying to use Literally and Figuratively and their conflation (as well as the correct advice that you can use them interchangeably) as evidence of incorrectness. If I was not perceiving that correctly, I apologize.

Literally and figuratively have shared definitions since the Renaissance. You might want to pick a different example than one that’s factually wrong.

...by contributing to the viewcounts and engagement metrics of these stories that are made by silly decisions? That’s a lot like boycotting China and then investing in Tencent.

You don’t even need it twice. Once is enough, there’s just a short delay after it starts before it starts accepting the input. I press B once after half a second or so and it skips.

My group tried to tell me to join their hashtag boycott, and all I could say was, “I’m already not playing it. I feel like there’s not really a lot more I could do.”

I had two Blockbusters and a Hollywood Video in my hometown, and I can say that never happened to me with any of the employees. I think that was an outlier.

I feel like it’s less that people want to share their lives with others (everyone I’ve seen do that has only done so with close friends and family) and more that it enables our tribalistic instincts to function regardless of distance. Suddenly, it’s easy to find fellow fans of the same sports team, people who like

I would never pay for cheats, but there are communities dedicated to creating cheat tables for various games that make very organized, well-made cheats and distribute them for free. I don’t always use them (most of the time money cheats are good enough) but it’s nice to have the more advanced options, especially in

I don’t think it’s so easy to generalize it. For me, at least, I break out the cheats when I find a game’s progression too tedious (read: most Dragon Quest games), when I want to test builds without using resources on my proper save (Dark Souls, Monster Hunter), or when I like the story but dislike the gameplay (most

More like $400, actually, but yes. Also, Japan very much has a strong history of showboating and publicly shaming people, and a 99% conviction rate in its court system. That’s not because they’re so incredibly efficient and intelligent, mind you, but because the system is designed in such a way that if you’re in

Yes. I’m the egotist.

I’m glad to see you repeating that you can’t stand being agreed with. You make my job easier.

And that, my friends, is an example of someone who can’t stand being disagreed with. I especially love the “try being a more effective communicator” when his first response is “da fuck” and he can’t do basic math without being walked through the process. This is peak Kinja and I love it.

I can’t help you if you have an agenda and wish to purposely misunderstand me in order to take offense. Have a nice day.

Not quite. The idea is that before social media, you needed a certain amount of tech literacy to find and make use of things that let like-minded people communicate freely and rapidly. Things like IRC, BBS, niche forums with (at the time) arcane rituals for registration. Assholes only make up so much of the population

You misunderstand. The lack of tech literacy meant that the world as a whole had far fewer assholes communicating with each other constantly because there was fewer of EVERYONE communicating with each other constantly. Once social media largely removed the tech barrier, the previously isolated assholes, bigots, and