
I am very well aware. I just see plenty of parallels when it comes to sports fanatics who refer to fans of rival teams as "the enemy", and realize that a lot of the same tribalistic tendencies are shared.

It’s based on reasonable expectation. You have no way of knowing where a call center farm is located, but you do have a way to know where the represented company is located, and the call center is considered the company for legal purposes pertaining to those calls. So if the company the call center is representing is

That’s actually a gray area that has and hasn’t held up in various state courts, and no federal court to my knowledge has yet ruled on the equation. Some states believe that since the company is also recording itself and is a party in the call, consent is automatically given since you can’t record yourself without

As someone who worked in a call center, saying they’re not used to verify a he said/she said situation is a blatant lie. They get used for that all the time, primarily (but not always) when it comes to an employee arguing that something said or done was justified. I can also distinctly recall multiple managers and

And this is exactly why I think professional sports are both a waste of consumer dollars and a corrupting influence on our culture.

In fairness, there are plenty of people who believe in the values Republicans publicly support but recognize that the party no longer practices them in reality, so it’s not fair to call them hypocrites despite being registered Republicans. Similarly, there are plenty of Democratic voters who are duplicitous as well.

That is definitely a big disappointment, though since that isn’t contained to 2020 I’m not sure it counts here... XD

Ehhh... your mileage may vary on that. I couldn’t play more than two hours of any of CDPR’s major games. They all feel... bloated? Like, instead of meat under the surface there’s a lot of hot air. It’s flashy and the peripheral world-building can be interesting, but the minute to minute gameplay is clunky and hollow,

Ehhh... I already beat this in its original incarnation, so the remaster doesn't hold any value for me. I suppose it might torture a new generation though, even if it's less jank.

It’s not even shitty reasoning, though. AOC could have pointed to the hundreds of billions’ worth of slush fund in the CARES Act for big business and the gaping holes in the same that let otherwise ineligible companies claim millions in taxpayer dollars. Instead she compares 147b with... 1.4b. It’s just a bad

Might want to tell Congress that, since I’m directly quoting them. Check out Politico’s coverage on the stimulus deal yourself if you don’t believe me.

I agree in principle, and decry the very idea of this sort of border wall, but... even just $600 checks to everyone that was approved last time comes out to around $147B after all is said and done. Comparing twice that amount to $1.4B, even for something terrible like this, isn’t really a good comparison and makes it

I dunno, “Treet Fighter II” just sounds like a bad 90's tie-in to those Halloween stores that pop up every year because poor literacy is kewl in the 90's.

I’m more outraged that they’re selling three games I can collectively purchase in their original forms for about $18 as a collection of emulated titles for $60 with little improvement as a “celebration”. It’s Super Mario All-Stars for the Wii all over again; you’re paying a surcharge of about forty bucks for a shiny

Left unsaid is the obvious fact that Nintendo was not a huge moneymaker (and thus would not have drawn the same sort of people who push for that kind of profit) until the 80's at the absolute latest. They were a toy company who dipped their feet into gaming with Pong consoles before making the Famicom and taking off,

Thank you for posting this, and I agree wholeheartedly. Going a bit far back, the root word was the latin “fanaticus”, which translated as “insanely but divinely inspired” and was often used to describe the people who performed unspeakable acts during events like the Crusades. Yes, a time in which murder, rape, and

It can easily be argued that Nintendo cultivating their die-hard fanbase is, indeed, how they’re making themselves profitable, i.e. branding. There have also been countless companies started by visionaries and “personality” that are almost synonymous with bad business practices today (read up on Walmart’s origins

I literally ignored everything else because it was of no substance. You directly contradict yourself by saying you can be a fan of a corporation but then say that corporations are evil and you’re ACTUALLY a fan of products instead, which screams of backpedaling, while trying to deflect attention from this with “man

No, no, and no. The corporations are not dedicated to any of that. They’re dedicated to one thing and one thing only: making money. And when they hit the plateau of profit quality raked in, they naturally began to squeeze blood from stone.

Despite appearances I don’t hate the game. If anything I’m indifferent to it; didn’t follow it during development, and I’m not particularly big on CDPR. From what I’ve seen (and now played, some), it’s basically The Witcher 3, but cyberpunk. Given my opinion of TW3 is “meh”, I figured correctly that this wouldn’t