
@Sabbatai: Rude's subjective. No, I don't think questioning anything is rude. Aren't you curious as to the state of the money you're going to donate? A guy with a good job died - he probably has insurance. If he has insurance, then the ten dollars that somebody donated when they had no money in their bank is sort

@Sabbatai: Is RAIN giving money to middle class people who probably are financially more than likely stable? If so, feel free to ask them that.

@arionfrost: He's not patronizing. He's making a valid point. guy had a decent job. *I* have a shit job and have decent insurance. i highly doubt this family is in financial need. I mean, unless the guy was all by himself paying for a house, a vacation house, and a vehicle or two.. and if that's the case, he'd more

@RockyRan: Yah, I have the iphone/ipad games - and this game is one of the best games I've played on it. The indoor sequences to me, rocked. I loved them. They weren't 'confining'.. You just had to deal with a smaller space. I never got stuck in any of them.

@MissMarlo: I'm not on contract, but thanks for playing. :D

@Tidusx100: Oh, I hate Nintendo as a company. I'd pirate their hardware if it was easy.

@Batman: the DS isn't cheaper.. I got my iphone for free.

I refuse to give money for nintendo software.

@wrackune: Nobody will cover a Nintendo product, since they do so poorly.

@ChewyChavezIII: What's that have to do with the price of tea in china?

@Ueziel: Colour me surprised. A list of wants. - I know you want-want-want. A whiny entitled gamer throwing his fists is exactly the response I expected from someone trying to be more of an RE fan than I. I won't even bother confirming or denying if I've played them all. I don't really care what you think. I'm an

@xcornmuffinx: you're only in the minority for the whinefest that is the 'gaming' community. don't worry, it was a good game.

I'm in - I love whatever the game designers do with their work. Thankfully, the 'gaming' community is only 10% of gamers, so hopefully, the whinefest that's beneath me will go unnoticed. Just don't buy the game, stop bitching about it.

@Ueziel: Yah, cuz the stories are what make the games. *cough*

@ChewyChavezIII:why does it have to? It's a video game. People die.

came here expecting whiny bitchfest. you did not disappoint.

I love valve. I want valve inside me.

mine's wicked fast. 4.0

@Acheron: Nope. Not biased at all. I'm cool with whatever you want to purchase for what ever reason. If you like it, awesome. If I don't? Doesn't mean A THING about the product.