I wish the gaming media would stop buying into this faux-console war. seriously.
I wish the gaming media would stop buying into this faux-console war. seriously.
@variableidentity01: (it's not just in his head.)
@Killer Toilet: doesn't the psp Remote Connect pretty much do that? (and also streams some games to the psp from the ps3 like Lair?)
fucking LOVE this game.
@gregfromtheinternet: C C C C COMBO BREAKER
@tok1879: Why do you have to compare? I mean, this isn't a sony article.
I don't see how them not being able to release an early game trailer would affect anything - every movie that's big gets games. what point was that again??
I'm not sure how much I care about any children playing any game. I don't have any, so do whateverthehell you want with yours. Try being a parent though - your kids don't magically get their hands on stuff without your $$ or resources. Oh, do they d/l games? Try moving the PC to a public space. Do they have lots of…
@TV-PressPass: yes, the horror of waiting a whole extra day! I barely survived it!
@Kenny: Mmmmm, I love colons!: Yah someone said it on the internets. Just google it.
@Mox FcCloud: Ya. Nintendo doesn't really know anything about the handheld market. ;)
@Blore07: bad pun thread is bad!
@Maakies: but you don't even have one, how is it the lamest? You don't like a bigger, brighter, better screen? I mean the size difference isn't very noticable in pictures over the internet.. It's almost like playing on a small TV in year hands, it's bigger than the PSP! I just don't understand 'lame'. It's a bigger…
@theALLseeingEYE: 2girls1cup is art then.
@Paradox me: A team of writers that pens a novel does not make that novel art.. A bunch of people painted my house.. is that painting art? The games aren't designed from an artist. They're designed from a bunch of people paid to do a job/task. I'd argue that art is meant to captivate, not capitalize. Hell, you're…
@Maakies: You can ninja around work with the dsiXL in your pocket too. unless you have specially made jeans, I'm sure we have the same pocket measurements.
@battra92: so because he doesn't like movies you do, that makes him a no-talent hack?
@Little Mofreaky: I'd still go with my 'most' assessment! ;)
@the7k: I thought the whiny gamers were only for the l4d/valve thing... I didn't know LBP had it too.
@Nihilexistentialist: Why are you so defensive?