
@Fieldy: Every one who, fraudulently and without colour of rightEvery one who, fraudulently and without colour of Every one who, fraudulently and without colour of rightrightEvery one who, fraudulently and without colour of rightEvery one who, fraudulently and without colour of right

@Covert_Knight: you can tell by the pixels? and that you've seen a lot of shops in your time?

@Jennacide: I dunno, you're already making me glad I'm gay.

@Jennacide: I dunno what kind of relationship you have, but I love ignoring my spouse sometimes. hell, I love ignoring every day life too. I'm sure you're not paying 100% attention to your spouse while you're shopping or doing something you enjoy.

@Lawnmower16: Well mine's never RRoD, yet and I've had it for two years.

@CookieNinja: LBP handsdown, one of the best video game soundtracks EVER!


After purchasing every console to date, and playing all of them religiously off and on, the ps3 has been the best system so far. It's XMB is great. the games are awesome, especially their exclusives, and just over all a better experience. I can play FF13 for 20 hours straight and not get paranoid that my system will

@Jennacide: Shouldn't you be in the kitchen making me a sammich or something?

can the video game 'industry' (I use that term loosely, since it's really just a bunch of amateur 'writers' and 'journalists') stop getting in a tizzy every time somebody other than anyone in our ecosystem says something about video games?

@astidcrisse: Ahh yes, I DO agree - the 2000/3000 feels 'cheap' in comparison. VERY much so! I missed the heaviness too :(

@Nevest356: I know!! god, read some of the ipad posts. Super whine-fest.

@danacebi: but the DSi XL's screen is better than the PSP 3000's screen. (I have every DS/PSP.)

@OTCIXS: who are you harassing? Whomever you're going to go laugh at in real life. You're not much on reading what you wrote before eh? Man, it's difficult asking teenagers what they mean when they obviously have no clue.

@OTCIXS: I'm not allowed to be curious when I see someone's retarded post? Regardless of my own hypocrisy, saying 'So do you!!!!111' still doesn't answer my question. and Rashinda's not being an ass.. It's you. so c'mon. why do you teenagers care what others think? and why are you so passionate about something you

@Sloopydrew: That's weird. I didn't know that MS only sold things either 18.99 or 20.99.

@OTCIXS: Why do teenagers think other people care what they think of them? I dunno what grade you're in, but after 10 or 11, usually people stopped caring what others though. it's a gadget. Why you're so passionate about something you apparently dislike is awkward.

@gordeaux789: One of the best gaming experiences in the last three gens of consoles. Get it. It's charming, delightful, fun, addicting, frustrating, hard, easy, boring, exciting... All at the same time.