
Haha... and this was a Convent school.

Yep... in about 3 years they'll be burning german currency in wheelbarrows to keep warm.

I dunno what age 5th grade is (I basically went to Hogwarts) but I'm assuming it's young.

I honestly don't get it. Did these parents not have the same feelings as youngsters? I'm guessing they're about 10 years older than I am (the parents), and these were the same people of a certain MTV generation that was smart about sex, protection, etc. It was from them that I learned my shit.

I'm pretty sure I saw these in the Bay in 2009 (I actually have photo evidence, but I don't want to out myself to my friends who I know read this site).

Plus... all the OTHER cast members they mention in the linked article.

Olivia De Havilland is still alive. So. Still a cast member left.

I know of a Tea. It's actually probably pronounced Téa (Tay-a). It's a lovely name and she's a lovely girl.

I just want to thank you for managing to write an article that is reasonably balanced.


Fuckin Greyjoys

That shit was definitely my wedding song tho...

THANK YOU... this just proves Google is not the same for everyone - I searched the exact same terms. :/

Okay so I tried to make this my cover photo and it didn't work cuz it was too small. I tried googling it and only found images for lion king t-shirts. WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS?

Oh god oh god... i'm killing myself laughing... oh god. Win. WIN.

I read that as "sometimes it takes a child to RAZE a village"... and immediately thought of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Amabella should translate to "beautiful love"... so this is a problem because. ....?

Haven't seen SOA but I watched the shit out of 1) Undeclared and 2) Pacific Rim.

If there hadn't been literally MONTHS of critiques from WOC about this topic, much of it directed at this very website by its OWN COMMENTERS, MAYBE Tracy could get away with that explanation.

Where I live I can't legally take my husband's name (LES VALEURS QUEBECOIS), and that pissed me off so I hyphenated it on Facebook. :/