I thought she meant York, as in Yorkshire, UK. That’s one of my dream destinations. Have a wonderful adventure.....either way.
I thought she meant York, as in Yorkshire, UK. That’s one of my dream destinations. Have a wonderful adventure.....either way.
I agree, but this post gives it a wider audience.
While I was reading that I was picturing the movie Oxford Blues. I believe you that it was a magical night but I’d need the American translation to be certain.
Here’s the difference between women and men. After being asked to leave the room someone he just met, he feels entitled to stay, disregards his host and her comfort.
Okay, now I get where you’re coming from. Now I read your messages and hear Archie Bunker’s voice and it all makes sense.
Thank god we got that cleared up. Your boy not only thinks like a dumbass, he writes like a dumbass.
So that’s a yes then.
Wake up; it is a business transaction and ALL sex workers are real people.
Did you just refer to a person as “something”?
And then there’s the Woman on “Meth Rampage” Haunts Couple’s Apartment, Hides Under Bed.
I can’t get over the fact that she opened the closet door AFTER he said “Oh my name is Drew”, then hung around long enough for him to try on a hat and ask for a hug? And when was the picture taken?!?
He could also urge her to tell a teacher or counselor at school the next day. They are mandated reporters.
Are we talking about the raping father or the online stalker pedo. Cos so far the mom and the pedo seem to getting the most hate. It’s a close race, but I’d say raping Dad deserves an extra special place in hell.
Went to UCSC in the 80s. Was freshman rite of passage to sit in on one of Lehrer’s classes. Same with Angela Davis. I was a Lit major, had no idea what he was talking about, but was not disappointed. Glad he’s still going strong doing his thing the way he wants too.
I’m a huge Beatles fan but many of their inner circle staff from the 60s have said the pay was terrible.
Why make the assumption I don’t have health insurance? I have a very good, affordable individual policy through my state marketplace. Thanks to Obama..genuinely
You’re right, absolutely.
In most cities in California, home prices start WAY over $300,000. I’m talking crappy fixers. Same with Portland and Seattle.
This is splitting hairs a bit, but it bugs me that freelancers, self employed and small business owners are left out of these discussions. I’ve been a self employed consultant from home for 25 years, high hourly wage, no benefits, no commute, TONS of freedom. I’d say I’m comfortably middle-middle class. Home and car…