This is the worst case of victim blaming I have ever seen.
This is the worst case of victim blaming I have ever seen.
Yeah they would they would be police doing the same exact thing they are doing now.
I just put this on Facebook.
Most cases the guards should be the ones in the jails and the prisoners the ones throwing trash food at them.
Men has to stop this. We need to understand that even though we think this is not big, that this is not a huge problem, many times it is. We need to stop doing so much doing, doing so much talking, and start doing more listening. Because only when we listen can we understand why this is not okay.
“...because we are America.”
I liked Anderson Cooper until I got the feel he was going right wing. This interview is just more proof that he is. Trust him? Not me.
The trick they use is they take a handful of women and make them the biggest, most out there stars - Jennifer Lawrence, Natalie Portman, Oprah, Emma Watson - and say ‘Look, here are all these woman stars!’ and expect us to be okay with that 95% of Hollywood is still men.
Did you know that Trump always tries to put words in their mouths to control both sides of the conversation? It’s called controlled opposition. But instead of being real people as normal, it’s just a strawman.
Exactly. He just divided us and now it has having real effects. The Supreme Court. Trump already has two judges now, maybe three if RBG retires.
Better than using them as prisoners for his concentration camps.
But they are united as you show. That is the problem. We need to be the same, especially now. Center Dem needs to move left, younger new age Dem need to cooperate.
Depend what month.
How is that voting your conscience now, Berniebots? We told you this would happen.
Men need to be more sympathetic to differences between men and women regarding this, and other such things. Too often it is easy for us to get up in the moment and not think, but instead we need to take a step back and listen more.
Let’s not get over our skis on normalizing obscenity in political dialogue. Trump is already down in the mud there, we don’t need to join him. And we risk alienating lots of people who does not agree with that sort of speech.