
i have a lot of friends who are cops, don't get me wrong, he F-ed up bad, but haven't you at some point. Cops abusing their authority and being pigs is a real problem in our country, but this is not much of an example. Stuff like what happened in NYC is a much more disturbing abuse of authority and power (or the

how much cashola are we talking here? Are we talking alpha romeo 8c money ($200,000) or are we talking something a bit more reasonable (screw that)? My most reasonable suggestion would be hellcat. Do burnouts and just be a fool, you'll never regret it.

Thats the North-East. All you yankees think the NE rocks, but it blows donkey dick. High taxes, low speed limit, shitty roads, shitty winter. Texas all day, every day, it's the only way. NO STATE INCOME TAX!!!!!!! Fast cars, & freedom for all, but leave your socialistic high tax bullshit in whatever hell-hole you

i know this is an old thread, but your real mistake was stopping. They would NEVER have caught you. You should have looked at the gm rep & said, "Hold on." The. You should have downshifted and given it some fucking stig. Whenever I think I can, I run. Catch me if you can pigs >;)

fuck the police, that's why I never stop for them. Fucking catch me faggots.

I really like it but have been having some minor connectivity issues with their server (getting booted occasionally). FYI I'm on pc

my first car was an 89 volvo, cant remember the model. My father took shit care of it & it had SOOOOOOO many problems it wouldn't start more often than not. Most of the problems were electrical gremlins, but rewiring that POS wasn't worth it. Where is it now? Hopefully in car hell.... I know volvos are just fine,

class is overrated. Unlike 700 horsepower.

theres your problem, two whole cylinders are missing! Jk, sorry to hear about your misadventure.

when you've gotta go, take our bus!