Kirk’s bottoming for Jesus
Kirk’s bottoming for Jesus
I suppose that makes Jon Gruden = Illyrio Mopatis
Someone let the refs know we are here for Trae Young, not their whistle.
Ya’ll are killing me. This is one of the truly great jazz tracks, Pharaoh Sanders You’ve Got to Have Freedom, a spectacular artifact of free jazz. Some musicians consider him the greatest tenor sax player, ever.
Easier than making human faces.
damn, different strokes for different blokes. The music in that trailer is craaaaazy lit, and if the game sounds like that (and is a good game too obviously) then I’m 100% buying a copy. I’m into this kinda jazz tho so I’m coming from experience listening to stuff crazier than this.
Just picked this up after watching the Penny-Arcade guys playing it on stream. It’s great! I love the the audio and visual design, and it’s just a blast to play! :D
Oh it will. The FIRST season pass is $93
Posted this on the two-year anniversary of Horizon Zero Dawn. Stone cold, man.
I’ve done a quarter of The Champions’ Ballad so I should probably go finish that eventually. And, you know, stumble upon more hidden Koroks!
God I put about 200 hrs into this game, all time favorite. Still have a little bit of DLC, but seeing this article makes me wanna jump back in.
This is the kind of thing that causes me to lose hope. Not this particular instance of moronic gamer behavior, mind you - but knowing that this is not an outlier but in fact expected behavior at this point.
America worships money. Oprah is rich. It’s not complicated.
I KNEW if I waited long enough I would get the Witness for free. I prefer this to my usual strategy of buying games, then not playing them, then seeing them for free as part of plus and becoming sad.
I’m sure they looked at your account and playtime specifically to conclude that these were the games that they’d offer. /s
My daughter and I, are huge Adventure Time fans. I got the game for her, for the Switch, and she loves it. I’m stoked that we’re getting it for the X1. Also, Republic Commando is a pretty damn good game too. I played Plants vs. Zombies GW2 for about 5 minutes before I decided that it was absolute garbage. I was always…
Pirates of the Enchiridion looks gorgeous, and while I haven’t heard great things about it, it definitely feels worth checking out for the price of free* if your an Adventure Time fan.
It’s true, people don’t talk enough about this.
They’re also all playable on one console too
I’m probably going to be in the minority here, but I’ve actually been kinda interested in picking up Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion on sale, so I’m stoked to get it for free.