
Fun list. Makes me even more excited for Day 3. I wouldn't necessarily say that he has to talk to Gods or do any princess stealing however. Given how one of the major themes of the story is the reinterpretation of fact and even fiction iteratively to create a compelling story, regardless of it's veracity, Kote could

Okay I'm not as big an anime fan as I once was, but is anyone else kind of hoping that the covered up eye will end up being some super calibrated optic sensor that Raiden is saving for the inevitable grudge match with Jetstream Sam? You know a typical last minute super power type deal.

William, William; this was really nothing.

So about the Jezebel article that was mentioned in another comment (which I didn't want to reply to due to the stupidity of the imagery and the underlying assumptions). Two very different takes on bro-culture between that article and this one; and if I'm honest, I believe this this one may be the fairer.

"Straight the highly anticipated new game"

It's a real shame that this looks like its just for two players. I've started going to a lot of board game meets just recently and I people clearly seem to prefer playing in slightly bigger groups.

I'm hoping for a Kart Racer.

I think that "Cthulu Saves the World" had a great philosophy when it came to random encounters. In each area the party must endure a set number of random encounters, after whuch they can elect to turn of random battles in that area for the rest of the game. The could even provoke a single instance of battle without

Yup, buying a Vita just for this. The deal was kind of sealed when a friend brought me the Official Design Works a few months back, kind of an expensive way to get more Persona though. Though I am getting ACIII:Liberation into the bargin. My old PSP broke a few years ago so I might be able to catch up with some gems

Well its certainly less embarrassing then the explosion of the popularity of sparkly vampires in the West. Then again saying that I find the Eastern take on undead folklore to be more interesting generally, shibito from the Siren series for example are still much more terrifying than any recent development with

The first paragraph neatly summarises the core issue with all Tim Rogers articles. Length is not synonymous with quality. In the case of Wikipedia (and indeed Tim Rogers articles) it is often idicative of not being able to concisely summarise and display information.

...isn't their favourite game in the series, nay of all time, is a degenerate wastrel that has no place in polite society."

Fair enough, but thats not really the point of the article. It's highlighting

In Europe I think Computer Games is more commonly in usage than it is elsewhere. Certainly it's what I grew up with.

I'd almost forgotten that initial period where there was no trophy support on PS3. I remember people talking about it being a defining feature between it and the 360 at the time. I enjoyed MGS4 just fine with the medal system though.

I've already filled out my SMT collection. Yggdra Union looks mighty tempting though...

Absolutely not. P3 and P4 stand alone from the first two entries in the series, in mechanics as well as story. Just dive right in to P3 at your leisure. FYI there are pros and cons to both P3:FES and P3 Portable.