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Seriously, you have to watch the Beaver Butt video.

The Upton ads are essentially the same thing, only in live-action, full-motion form with massive effects budgets.

I know it's boring, but I'm thinking 'test account.'

That top gif looks like Putin has decided to go ahead and buy a boat.

Actually, he didn't state anything of the sort. He stole her phone for a day, but he then 'cleaned up' evidence that he'd hacked her phone, implying that he returned it to her.

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One of the best "super-powers have a cost" stories I've seen is Darker Than Black. It's essentially a riff on the super-hero genre. People with super-powers are known as Contractors. Contractors will have a single, specific power, rather than a variety of them. That power comes with a cost that they must or are

A (now removed) detail is that he hacked his wife's phone with Cydia, indicating she has an iPhone. Later, when she gets angry and throws it on the floor in the third update...

There is actually a correct term for such a diet: pescetarianism.

Early envisionings of Halo also included a whopping 25 levels, many of which would've had fully functional weather systems and indigenous lifeforms prancing (or whatever verb you use to describe rhinoceros velociraptors) about. It was, in other words, set to be even more of a pseudo-sandbox than the original Halo

"A house is hardly a thing you keep purchasing"

Actually it's about a reproductively viable female worker ant.

SL faces a number of practical problems. Backward-compatibility is one. Sims don't always run the latest version of the engine. Clients also don't always run the latest version, on top of the platform being open enough that there are third party clients out there. Content is also often very old. It's possible for

Look at it this way: Second Life is like the d20 RPG system. The d20 RPG system is not a game unto itself, however it provides a foundation on which people can build elaborate environments, worlds, or even actual games to play. Second Life is a set of tools, what you do with it is up to your interest and talents.

1492 to 1986 was a dark time for ass.

Looking forward to traditional WSJ etching depiction when they do.

The worrisome element of Felicia's article was the unnerving fear that hardcore GGers might be everywhere. I've always believed that GG is mostly the work of a few noisy trolls, and this goes a long way to supporting that belief.

I noticed that a domain crawler/assessment tool also indicates that the site delivers a 403 result. I'm going to guess that the web host is doing something to cut down on bot traffic and it catches some regular users in the mix.

I still miss the weaponized global warming of the first Civ.

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Thanks to being behind in the polls, aside from getting on the awful wedding dress bandwagon, the Corbett campaign has released this thoroughly terrible ad.

Idiocy on both sides is fueling this stupid, stupid controversy.