
Seems to me that this new origin works for the new MCU introduction for several reasons. It makes more sense and is easier to explain that she is a Kree-Human hybrid and that’s where her powers come from, more than it makes sense to say that she got her powers from a device fusing her DNA with a Kree warrior. It also

There’s nothing wrong with characters dying, as long as they have meaning and they carry weight for other Characters. It’s inherently tough when the premise of your show requires characters to die, but when you’re going to kill important ones it should be purposeful. A show like Game of Thrones kills big characters on

I wondered why Andrew Lincoln called it quits. He must have been thinking about it for a while. But it was either the underwhelming resolution to the Negan storyline or it was the killing off of Carl. For him, he had to realize his character doesn’t have as much to work with without someone to anchor him to like Carl.

Ya, I’m curious what Andrew Lincoln does next. A lot of them will be sticking around for a while. Darryl and Carol aren’t going anywhere. Danai Gurira should be pretty busy with Black Panther and the MCU for a while

The governor also represented an ideological pitfall that Rick could easily succumb to. Could never see rick raping wives and burning faces if he went too far as a leader. 

That’s a weak point especially since it’s mostly just an exaggerated Metaphor. I get it flea’s are small! Young people have small attention spans! OMG, so clever! The show spent a season teasing Negan and meandering with subplots that go nowhere and then filled them with pointless zombie attacks. Then they faked out

ounds like you’re focusing on the words rather than what they mean in context. Great shows like Breaking Bad tell the story of a character or group of characters and their journey. Each season, they are propelled in new and interesting directions by the choices and consequences of the previous season, but it still has

Most of us agree that the writing has been lacking for a while. 

That was a good time to fold. I stuck it out thinking the Negan story was going somewhere. It didn’t pay off. Haven’t watched any of this season’s episodes yet. Waiting to watch the final Rick episode and then I’m taking the show off my DVR schedule. They’re gonna keep making spinoffs and what not, but I’m not going

I’m already done with the show. I don’t care what happens to it or what stories it wants to tell. I’m glad this season has been better than the last few but they should have corrected ship long ago. Now that andrew Lincoln is out, my last bit of interest is out too. Even if darryl and carol take over, I don’t care who

Yes, it was a show about a father and son or a family finding it’s way in a lost world or whatever, but they were so concerned with making the deaths surprising, that they killed off all the families. You can tell because they only set up meaning full deaths one or two episodes before they kill a character. One

Sure, I could see that. At least the Governor versus Rick felt like the show was about fascism versus democracy or at the least was still evaluating civilization in it’s absence like Lord of the Flies. Not that the bridge as a metaphorical bridge between societies wasn’t grasping at meaning, but they feel like cheap

Thanks! yeah, it’s not anyone’s journey except the producers march towards ratings

A perfect example of the shows problem. They focus more on fishing for ratings than on just making a really good show. Planning a franchise over prioritizing good writing. Without Rick to bookend the story, and after killing off Carl last season, the show as a piece of mythology is pointless. It shows that the show

This was a well written summary. I’ve pretty much given up on this show. I got sick of them dragging plot lines out as much as possible and all the contrived aspects always made my eyes roll into another dimension. I’m willing to see it through till andrew lincoln walks away from the show and takes all the F*cks I

A wanda and vision domestic drama would be great. It’s hard to imagine her going on missions between Ultron and Infinity War without Cap and Widow. Hard to imagine what they’re going to do with Loki. It’s a limited series, so he could just be up to mischief pre-Thor Dark World (after that he looked like Anthony

Self-Inflicted missteps is a great way to put it. 

Agreed, Cavill would make a great new James Bond.

DC/Warner Bros just continues to screw that franchise up. Henry Cavill is a great Superman who was in the hands of a bad Director who focused on VFX over story and Character. It would be a lot easier to re-write Supergirl’s origin than find another actor as fit for the role as Henry Cavill.