
Ooh, the trip down the steps method is very Nomi Malone in "Showgirls." I approve.

My boyfriend catches me thanking Siri fairly often... I usually claim that when robots become our overlords I want them to remember how kind I was and show mercy on me.

Jesus. First off, I'm sorry you were ever in that situation and I'm glad you got out of it. I have a couple of guy friends who have been in abusive relationships in the past (emotional/verbal and physical) so I know it's a very real and very serious fact that it happens. Secondly, I'm sorry that these "feminists"

That is what bothers me, too. I feel like it's kind of similar to that whole Giuliana Rancic's meal plan thing where she told people to lie to waiters about allergies so they wouldn't get anything cooked in butter slipped to them. I'm gluten intolerant and I feel like now I get the side-eye anytime I try to order food

I thought the same thing during my first time watching it UNTIL I got to the "voice of a generation" part. I had read all the posts about how "Lena Dunham thinks she's the voice of a generation blah blah blah" so I was prepared to hate it. But when that part came around? (SPOILERS) She was high!(end SPOILER?) I

Wild boars would actually be terrifying. All I can think of is that scene in Hannibal.

Exactly. I don't get how people keep justifying her cheating as some form of retaliation. If your husband is cheating and you have the beginnings of an affair underway, just end it. It's obvious neither person was fully involved in the marriage at that point anyway, so why bother with an affair(even if it was

I agree with you so much. The only thing I have a real problem with, and am fine with the criticism of, is if it involves poaching. Domesticated animals? Fine(I don't agree with factory farming, but that's another story). Wild animals with large populations? Okay. Endangered, threatened, or protected animals? Oh hell

I second the smitten kitchen and budget bytes suggestions and also want to add www.thekitchn.com (that's not a typo, there's no e). I've made amazing and incredibly easy recipes from all those sites. My other piece of advice is to take a recipe you're comfortable with and try changing it up. If you like ramen (or just

Oh no, that's a thing? I'm fairly Swift-neutral (I don't hate her but I don't like her music, pretty ambivalent all around), but there's no way in hell she'll be able to sing ANYTHING by Joni Mitchell. Never ever ever.

My job is in university research and I go to multiple reading groups where we pick apart papers, I haven't read this study but I have some doubts as well. I guess I'll join you as a fellow elitist.

I thought I was the only one! I feel weird discussing this so publicly, but seriously, they like almost make you lose control of your bowels.

I feel better knowing I'm not solely responsible for that show's ratings.

I've seen more than my fair share of RuPaul's Drag Race, and I totally agree. Padding doesn't seen too difficult or expensive for a film, I mean MTL was pretty covered up all the time anyway, right? It's not like they'd have to convincingly pad someone in a swimsuit.

If you ask a hunter, they'll tell you wild turkeys are actually pretty smart. I think genetics of farm-raised chickens and turkeys might be partially to blame for their possible lack of intelligence (probably super inbred to keep specific lines for specific traits, i.e. faster growth, "meatier", etc.). That's all

Haha my first thought was, "I wonder how long it'll take until someone takes this comment seriously." Not that long, apparently.

Slightly off-topic, but I think it's awesome you're going as Tali. Of all the characters in the ME universe, she's the one I connect with most (and resemble most physically, Joker might not have the hips to carry off a suit like that but as someone ample in that department and not as bosom-ly blessed as Samara many,

Aww man, and I was really looking forward to being a sexy Ood this year!

Yeah, she literally grabs her stomach, smooshes it around, and acts like it's talking occasionally. Though I could see where that could definitely make someone uncomfortable if they were just making fun of her.

I know I shouldn't, but I just can't help myself from reading that in Gollum's voice... "Give it back, we can saves it.."