
Ooh just watched It Comes at Night, loved it. Love Christopher Abbott, too.

Me, too. Any you recommend? I loved Creep on Netflix and You’re Next was amazing.


I fee so indebted to you for taking the time to talk through this with me.

My angst-ridden teen heart cried to her songs regularly. So sad :(

Please just let me keep Dave. I love Dave. Please say he’s not like his brother.

Thank YOU. You’re a good person, I can tell these things.

I love your attitude : ) And you’re right, I don’t regret loving anyone I’ve loved.

It sucks because - well I post so much on here I hope I’m not repeating myself - but my parents died super tragically in June, and this person has been a listening ear in a huge way. But he has very understandable reasons for staying where he is. I guess being alone during this time in my life, I’m extra vulnerable to

Dating IS exhausting. I just want to feel something REAL, like real emotion. There is someone who has feelings for me and possibly even loves me, but he’s taken and we can never be together. The only reason I’m sometimes tempted is because fuuuuck, it would feel so good to sleep with someone who has actual feelings

It is a cruel world. I hope you get what you want. I don’t know that I will, but if I don’t get that romantic love I long for I’ll just try to be grateful for the other love I have in my life.

Also, I am in therapy. I’ve been going off/on since July, and we are making slow progress. I was finally able to cry in front of him last time, which was major for me.

I have been in bed sick with the flu for three days - but I wanted to say thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. That you even took the time to write that to me, made me cry. It felt like you were inside of my head and I’ve read it probably ten times. Thank you.

As she sang “Every little step I take...”

Woman here struggling with that whole thing too. I can’t really like someone enough to sleep with them regularly and not want more! It’s hard to meet a guy who wants more tho. I can get casual sex all day every day, but it’s not what I want.

My 6-year-old badass kid sounds more manly.

Thanks for this. I’m currently battling this in my own head, day after day, trying to shut the “you’re unlovable” voice up.

You’re so right. What happened is back over the summer when I lost my parents I was being basically a shut-in. He’s on a radio show I listen to a lot, and I’ve always loved listening to him and maybe felt like I knew him in a way because of it? Anyway he messaged me on Instagram and I didn’t realize he was married

Yes, exactly. He tells me his wife is awful to him, won’t sleep with him, etc., but he’s resolved to stay because of the kids, house, blah blah. I feel like saying “Do you think I LIKE apartment living or one income or sharing custody?” I had to sacrifice a lot to leave my shitty marriage but I did it.