
Is it that modest? It’s generally agreed by anyone who tries one of Bob’s burgers that they are very good. He shows great creativity in what he does. Compare that to Pesto (or many of the other restaurateurs we have seen) who can’t make a decent burger, and who is known to cut corners, and Bob seems to be something

Duncan is the best.  I’d love to see more of him.  As I’m sure would Tina.

A couple of years ago I got neurotoxic shellfish poisoning from a well known DC seafood restaurant (which technically isn’t food poisoning since the issue was mussels being harvested during red tide season, but still) and that made me more sick than I ever have been in my entire life. In addition to the usual

More importantly, does anyone know the opinion on motion smoothing of the *real* Paul Anderson? I mean of course Paul W. S. Anderson, director of such classics as Event Horizon and Mortal Kombat.

No shame in that! I think Patton is hilarious, but we are not the same person and we all have different tastes and experiences. I have much more respect for someone who says “Eh, it’s not for me.” and moves on than I do for the guy who goes “THIS THING YOU LIKE IS STUPID AND YOU ARE STUPID FOR LIKING IT.”

I am about to say something heretical here : I don’t find Patton Oswalt that funny.

i’m just going to admit it - i.  like.  paul.  rudd.

Apparently fire ants don’t like ticks too much so I say we unleash those suckers, unintended consequences be damned!

I guess the people who thought this would ruin his career (sunglasses) jumped the Gunn. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

But then you never build up any goat equity.

Of all the apocalypses I’ve expected over the last year or so, this is the most adorable. And probably the tastiest. 

A short-term lease is a good option, as long as you don’t plan on putting too many miles on your goat. 

isn’t this one of the signs of the apocalypse?

Sheep go to heaven; goats go to Idaho. 


This story is the GOAT.

Because they’re not worth buying for most people.

I hope We Rent Mountain Lions is slightly more responsible.

The uprising has begun! Ooh, weeds.