
In a more reticent age, I used to think that people showing their prejudice openly were doing everybody a favor, exercising unknowing truth in advertising. I was always more afraid of what I thought was a minority of deeply prejudiced people in hiding than I was of the thoughts being expressed.

Do they give out Razzies for Worst Business Model of the Year? How about Worst Business Plan Ever?

It’s bonkers how overtly corrupt the Trump administration is being. You know we’re fucked when the government acts like Dr. Evil henchmen.

I didn’t think an erotic dream about Lucy Liu would be sad, but there ya go.

This took me a second. I’m proud of you right now, Velocirapstar.

What really sucks is how the cast found out. Fox just stopped returning their texts and calls. That’s just brutal.

Still O.B.G.Y.N

But Dr. Dre still has a case against the Jewish ophthalmologist who calls himself Dr. Dreidel.

And motherfuckers act like they forgot about Drai

The episode where Heather butchered the pig to impress the district superintendent (and her class crush) was the best one of the season. She was terrific.

Actually, there was one good episode of A.P. Bio, episode 11, “Eight Pigs and a Rat.” It benefitted from a very strong direction by Carrie Brownstein, and an effective B story.

Now playing

I’m disappointed in you, internet. Do you not recognize “. . .I did leave the stove on!” when you see it:

The audacity of him having fun on a show beset so often by stodgy toolboxes.

“For my own amusement” is a perfectly valid reason!

Is Jason somehow going to be right the magic panda being the key?

I’ve had that conversation about “for all intensive purposes”.

“From certain angles, he looked like a smudge.”

Speaking of which, in an episode full of fucked up jokes, I honestly think the darkest one may have been how quick Beth was to chose Summer over Morty.

The Strain is a terrible mess of a show, but it has gotten stronger as it has gone along, with last season being pretty good until the last few episodes, and this season being pretty solid. It’s not perfect, but to get to the scene where Eph finally held a gun to Zach’s head was so much fun. Sure, it would be great