
Every time I get into a “debate” with one of these people now, my stock response is “You’re deflecting.” It stops them right in their tracks because their only strategy is to go to, “Well what about when Crooked Hillary did it!” “If Trump were to call democrats deplorable, people would be calling for the gas

I’ve become immune to that stuff after years of dealing with doctors. The key is simply to repeat the following phrases:

That reminds me of Jim Crow voting laws enacted after Reconstruction. If your grandfather was aregistered voter, you could go ahead and vote, but if he wasn’t, you had to pass a test to be able to vote. Of course the freed slaves, having been denied an education, could not pass it, and “seperate but equal” schools

If the only people in the U.S. who could vote where those who had all 4 grandparents born here, Donald Trump couldn’t vote. Nor could any of his spawn. Or for that matter, his grand spawn.

Well neither could Trump (all four grandparents born in Europe).

Did anyone point out to Coulter that Trump himself would not be able to vote under that standard?

Can you technically have more than 4 grandparents? I mean, I guess you could- but what if grampy’s new wife is Metsican? WHY AM I EVEN TRYING WITH THESE PEOPLE

And “We’re talking about news here, not ladies’ complaints.”

It also has the faint echo of the rape-denialist trope of “you’re just looking for attention.”

Notice how she shifts attention from the questioner’s “Trump’s sexual assaults” to the generic “sexual assault.”

Forcing people to dress a certian way is shitty whether a religious group does it or the government does it. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

I’m going to put my money on there being a lot of things that we’d call sex these days, but that wasn’t considered going all the way back then. I can’t imagine them risking an illegitimate heir to the throne, but on the other side of things, they dated for eight years before marrying and were obviously pretty randy

Considering how hot the fire raged in Lilibet’s knickers for Cousin Philip, my money is also on yes. At the very LEAST there was some mutual under-the-clothes handsy action happening.

You still need a reason to ban something beyond “most of the people who use them live in bad places.” If women are forced to don niqab, that is already illegal, and would be much easier to prosecute/address if Muslims weren’t totally alienated from European governments that spend all their time spewing hate at them.

What are you talking about? I see women in burqas every god damn day and I live in London!

Agree. Which is why I oppose headscarf bans. Burqas are different though... Even in the Muslim world only women who live in horrible Islamist dictatorships like the Taliban actually wear them. And usually because they don’t have a choice. They are absolutely not the same as headscarves.

And frankly, that goes to issues that are proven based upon scientific fact, like global climate change. That is fact; the anti science crowd has no more of a valid point of view on that issue as they do on the earth being flat or the moon being made of swiss cheese. What’s next? Equal time given to people who

But he may have invited his gentleman friend to visit him in the White House. ;)

It will never cease to amaze me how important it is to right wingers to “fight back” against the practice of mandating what women are allowed to wear in public — by mandating what women are allowed to wear in public.