my god. Can you imagine what that woman went through? Labor in jail with no attention or help? And then to watch the baby die, helpless? Fuck these people, seriously.
my god. Can you imagine what that woman went through? Labor in jail with no attention or help? And then to watch the baby die, helpless? Fuck these people, seriously.
And much older! Well, I’m happy to see the -aiden thing go away.
Could there possibly have been more babies back then? Or just more births per mother? But anyway, of course you are correct that I’m talking about per million births so whole numbers don’t matter. Back to the point, I wonder if someone has done a study of it? Since a dozen variations of -aiden names are all separately…
Well I just meant that it’s unlikely to stand out once the kid goes to school. Depending on where you live, there are likely to be plenty of kids with that name. It might be a little odd- like if a white dude named his kid Felipe- but in the kid’s daily life, his name will not stand out.
I have a friend whose daughter calls him Daddio. The little girl is named Athena, yes after the goddess. I simultaneously recognize that this is annoying and also very endearing in practice.
Nostalgia for the music their parents played?
Brayden is one of the most common names for boys right now. I think it’s sitting at around 50. It’s variant, Braiden, is separately in the top 100. And Kayden and Kaiden are both separately in the top 150 while Caiden and Cayden are each separately in the top 200, along with Zayden.
I’m waiting for them to go for “Father”. Ironic formality.
I don’t know your ethnicity or location, but Augustus is a fairly common name and Augustine is so common that I can’t imagine school in my region without a dozen of them. Hispanic names mostly though.
And Lucien or Lucero. Luz, Lucille, Lucy for girls. Seriously, so many options.
I once went through the alphabet to see how many letters are used for -ai/yden names. A,Bl,Br,Cl,G,H,J,K,L,P,R,Sh,Sl,Th,Tr,Z, Probably more.
That was hilarious, thanks. It’s especially funny for people from cultures where Papa just means Dad.
No. The correct response is “I see. You defend it by deflecting, refusing to answer, and attacking the person asking you questions.”
The “at least” part is weird. Who has more than four grandparents? Assuming we are talking about biology here which we’d have to be.
Sexuality, as we currently understand it, was not really a thing back then. It’s still not really a thing in some cultures. He had a woman he was fond of when he was young. She died. People speculate that it would’ve been a marriage of convenience. He had a live-in male companion with whom he had a very intimate…
Didn’t he sort of though? In the early days? Wasn’t there talk about him befriending people and then fucking their girlfriends and turning them out?
Well, shit. Shows what I know about Gingrich. Not that I ever thought he was a particularly swell fellow.
Buchanan was not asexual. He was just uninterested in women.
And the Reagans? I bet Nancy used it more than Ron...