Maybe my story will make you feel better!
Maybe my story will make you feel better!
I don't know. I think it's kind of a asshole move. Like, 'I kinda know you might say no so I'm going to make it as public as possible to force you to say yes'. Fuck that.
I also have to mention, I don't think children should be charged as adults. Ever. They are not adults. They are children. That's why they can't vote or drink or do anything fun. Because they have tiny, mushy brains that might as well be jello molds for all the impulse control and rational thought it provides them.…
Whatever. Fuck these people and their fucking gadgets. I'm not here to throw shade on you if fitness isn't your thing. So move along if you watch HoC while eating a tub of tres leches cake. Life is short, I'm glad you found your way to forget we are all headed to the grave.
yup I would wear the fuck out of some Levi's if they had a higher rise and longer leg. Also, those trucker jackets made for someone who isn't 5'2? All over it.
I find it a big deal because she isn't perfect looking, but still hot. Not just for her age. She shows a the aging of a woman with good genes who has taken care of herself.
My husband and I moved in together basically immediately—within a month to be sure. We would have gotten married within a year as well, but I wanted a wedding in our botanical gardens and that pushed the timing back a while. I don't highly recommend other folks follow our timeline, but it'll be 10 years married this…
Yeah, we were "rash" soncidering we were engaged after 3 months, moved in at 8 months, wedding was 13 months after we meat, pregnant before 1st wedding anniversary - together 16 and a half years and still going strong.
My husband was couch surfing when I met him. I didn't realize it until after a couple of weeks I was like, "Where do you go at night? Why don't you just stay here?" That was in 2001. Sometimes it does work!
My aunt and my uncle married within 6 months of meeting. They're still together 35 years later.
I dated my husband for a month before we moved in together. We've been together twelve years now, this summer is our 5-year wedding anniversary, and we have the cutest damn five month old baby you've ever seen.