
That’s combination of his rounded body type and having his double coat very well taken care of and fluffy. Overweight dogs don’t win Best in Toy.

Hi, can this be the pinned story instead of the boobs? Please?

I know right. If you want a poodle, just get a poodle.

Team Bernies for life:

You must be reeeeally confused. Because this story is not about hiring a prostitute.

Uh, that actually makes what was already disgusting way, way more disgusting.

If she was 18, you wouldn’t be ashamed to say that she’s a little hot piece of ass.

What the fuck is wrong with those guys?

Pepperdine is the ultimate mediocre privileged white kid school.

“I wear Soul Cycle every day” is the “Let them eat cake” of 2018.

She’s a walking Portnoy’s Complaint fetish with a Birkin bag.

I’ve noticed more and more people using “shit” as an adjective instead of a noun, i.e., “this is shit pizza.” This is fucking stupid and wrong. How do I know that this person isn’t actually eating shit pizza? The phrase should be, “this is shitty pizza.” Why are people doing this? People need to stop doing this.

That’s par for the course in these parts.

I cannot tell if this is a serious comment or not.

“High risk sexual behavior”

1/5 stars

At an abortion clinic, you can make a choice. At a crisis pregnancy center, you can’t. It’s as pro-choice as can be.

Pretty sure you wouldn’t like it if you were looking for a pediatrician and the top ten map results were anti-vax orgs pretending to be pediatricians.

Japan is a beautiful, modern nation with an ancient culture. They have gotten a comparative free ride in the west for their crimes in World War II which were certainly the same in scope as their Third Reich allies. The past crimes of the Germans have had much greater exposure and contrition.