Emily Guendelsberger

Her expression was a really funny detail, BUT I think it's clearly gotta be Beifong this episode. As ever—heading out to a BBQ all day, but will be considering screencap nominations when I get home.

Thanks, guys!

Thanks, guys!

Oh, that's true! She totally wouldn't be able to do it in the daytime, which pretty much removes my confusion about why they'd go confront someone suspected of the equivalent of throwing dynamite in a rock-paper-scissors game and not bringing the only person we've seen beat dynamite. I'm not particularly invested in

Katara's the only other bloodbender we've seen; it would have made a lot of sense to bring her for enforcement. I guess they assumed he couldn't do it handcuffed, but it would have been pretty obvious to have her present at the arrest, as bloodbending kind of trumps everything.

Aw, thanks! Welcome!

Aw, thanks! Welcome!

Thank you, happy you like it!

Thank you, happy you like it!

Ah, much appreciated, but I'm holding out until I can find a nice-quality screenshot of Tarrlok bloodbending. Which will probably be tomorrow, I suspect.

Ah, much appreciated, but I'm holding out until I can find a nice-quality screenshot of Tarrlok bloodbending. Which will probably be tomorrow, I suspect.

To be honest, I feel very arbitrary assigning letter grades on a curve episode-to-episode when I have no idea what's coming and what's going to pay off, particularly on a show I enjoy in a pretty static way. Since it'd be equally arbitrary if I had a rubric for assigning points or something and I would also drive

To be honest, I feel very arbitrary assigning letter grades on a curve episode-to-episode when I have no idea what's coming and what's going to pay off, particularly on a show I enjoy in a pretty static way. Since it'd be equally arbitrary if I had a rubric for assigning points or something and I would also drive

Hey HEY, that is a very interesting point.

Hey HEY, that is a very interesting point.

Color this writer shocked!

Color this writer shocked!

The larynx is in the middle of your neck, and also kind of hard and cartilage-y. If someone managed to give head in a way that involved their larynx getting poked, it would be comfortable for neither party. I have no idea what they were trying to imply happened with Robin's larynx, but I don't think it was that.

The larynx is in the middle of your neck, and also kind of hard and cartilage-y. If someone managed to give head in a way that involved their larynx getting poked, it would be comfortable for neither party. I have no idea what they were trying to imply happened with Robin's larynx, but I don't think it was that.

There are weirder things to find here than the occasional FUCK.