Emily Guendelsberger

Yeah, these responses, particularly the argument that Dee/Dennis and Mac/Charlie serve different straight-man roles, have actually convinced me that it probably would be responsible to watch some more Always Sunny. (Hear that? I just said that sentence.) Lord knows it'll be more entertaining than doing my due Dawson

He'll always be Jimmy Olsen to me, to which I chalk up a lot of my being surprised. If that was on purpose it was some seriously clever casting.


Aw, thanks! I've been following Hayden's reviews and enjoying the commentary immensely, and was so payched when they let me be the new incarnation of the Avatar… reviewer. I think this will be fun. Nice to meet y'all!

I am hearing these titles read in Jesse Pinkman's voice and it's kind of great.

Didn't want to leave you hanging, bro.

…is totally what I meant to say. Fixed, thanks!

Fixed! And you are correct, that is likely to happen again despite my best efforts. Keep me acronymically honest, y'all.

A.V. Club style guide! Pretty much everyplace has a different one.

Ha, that is 100% who I was thinking of; somehow got the wires crossed in my brain.

I am so happy you noticed that.

That's really interesting—I'd respond that the "narrow angle" I was referring to where the song can be regarded as sweet is exactly that historical perspective, where you look at it as "Well in 1936, American social mores decreed fa la la la la la la la blah so at the time this was not weird, just this standard dance

My other job is as a choir director at a little church, and I completely share your frustration with that song.

Think I was in high school when that came out, and as we were leaving the theater, my date said very slowly, "That was like Shakespeare… in space… for retards…"

Finally finished this on audiobook, which left me with the feeling that about half the characters were pirates or old women due to the reader's weird take on voices, no idea how to spell most of the new names, and several hours worth of giggling to myself anytime the minor knight whose name sounds like "Sir Anus" did

I think later on (no idea what season, much less episode) he says something along the lines of "You know my nickname is Dragon of the West? Do you know why they call me that?" and then shoots fire out of his mouth.

Heyyyyyy neeeeeeeerds
Last night a friend of mine started singing lyrics along with the main theme:

Damn, army of Ice + Fire counter-trolls! That was (uh, spoilers?) kind of like turning back the wildlings at the Wall. I guess that would make Todd Stannis.