
Pokemon are assholes.

Wrong list is wrong, you're forgetting Gogeta, Vegeta and Gotenks. Fusions count, dammit!

Let me make sure I have this right:

Yeaahhh....lets not.

If only the comma was a semicolon, I'd agree.

Always have the upper hand, you don't need to know his name to hop on his tic tac.

"That's a cute outfit, did your husband give it to you?" "That's racist."

Spider-Man and the X-men are not in the same Marvel Universe as The Avengers. Back when Marvel was struggling financially, they sold the rights to Spider-Man and The X-Men to Sony and Fox respectively. Thats why there are no mentions of mutants in the MCU (Marvel cinematic universe aka the Avengers universe).

I think it is that Captain America assumes that they would be waiting for him to attempt to contact them (obvious allies is obvious), which would lead to him getting captured before he even talked to them. Not to mention with the exception of Stark, I don't think anyone else is in USA. The movie timeline isn't very

Anyone else misread the title the first time as "If you like X-Men, you'll Probably like Hamtaro???"

No mention of the episode with the bathhouse, where the villain's power is to make everyone gay for him, and there's a scene where he does "gay fog" generating situps for 30 seconds straight?

Wouldn't it be more realistic if he just broke his hand? I mean, still pretty bad.

Part of the problem sounds like you were maybe playing the game with a FPS mentality, where BL2 is more an RPG, as in it's not centered around being too realistic.

Gotta step up my sweater game.

Ben Linus fanclub reporting for duty!