
Right away I thought of the BMO Ipad case Thinkgeek was going to sell—and was reminded of the sad feelings I got when I realized it was an April Fool's item. (T^T)

Uub doesn't show up til years later at the Tenkaichi Tournament with Gohan and Videl's daughter Pan, who is still a fetus during this movie. ;)

I think you missed those guys who represented "some" members of the fans.

Polar bear gets a shout out, but not Dharma Shark?

Can't even think of anything clever, I just can't believe this place exists (with props/replicas from the shows!) and I probably won't get a chance to see it! Seriously tearing up from joy and nostalgia.

Marvel: Spider-Man

But the PS2 had this awesome exclusive when you beat the game! There was also an unlimited ammo Chicago Typewriter gun, but not sure if that was also exclusive.

I highly recommend Meetup to anyone looking for people to hang out with. I've met some great people and my girlfriend who I love very much through it (and I was single and shy for a LONG time prior).

Will they come in yellow?

Commissions, eh...?

What about the cost for penis replacement surgery?

Iron Man, but no Thor?

I don't think the giraffe looking colossus is as tall as the medieval knight looking one...

Always remember—Wolfman's got nards!

I have to say that last image from the last episode kept me up at night...

I would give you a ton of stars for this, but alas I cannot. (still LOLing btw)

Still waiting for smart cars/freeways.

I'M RUINED! (sorry, couldn't find a screen-cap of Herb screaming)