Yeah, it kinda reminded me a little of "I'm Ron Burgundy?"
Yeah, it kinda reminded me a little of "I'm Ron Burgundy?"
Gonna need a larger shell cracker.
It could have used one thing (which I admittedly didn't notice til I was in my car leaving)—SPOILERS sort of—someone needed to say "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" Hopefully in the sequel.
I know someone this pleases...
Ah, beat me to it!
Still not ginger...
Their corners are slanted/chipped, so "perfectly rectangular" hardly seems accurate.
My bad! "52" was indeed awesome!
Hate this movie, but couldn't help thinking of this...ugh...
I was so excited for a new JLI series after Brightest Day...then 52 happened...sigh...
Cactus-like monster you say...
Sitting today, kicking our @$$es tomorrow!
Booster Gold highly approves of his series!
Hm, I wonder if there's anything underneath it...
Don't mess with guys with "D" in their name!
Subway helped keep Chuck going, so I for one welcome our new sandwich overlords as long as they keep bringing me more Chang, Inspector Spacetime, and Annie's Boobs!
Man, if I had a nickel for every girl I asked that question...
Speaking of wood function...nope, too easy.
Well it's not like the "real" version could stop them anyways.