
Just turned 23 and bought a car, my facebook is plastered with pictures of a WRB BRZ (with the STI aero kit thrown on) if that makes you feel any better.

Especially keep them in mind for cables of all kinds for your A/V equipment and your computer. I find that they are often cheaper than monoprice, plus if you have prime you don’t have to pay shipping either, and not only that, in my experience the Amazon Basics cables have had higher build quality than Monoprice’s

Has blue leather interior, now were done.

Totally agree with you here man. I was finally able to pick mine up this past saturday and I can’t stop grinning like an idiot.

They made 500 white and 500 blue Series.Blues however all of them have a partially blue leather interior

While not quite the same thing I know the Nissan Leaf used to (maybe still does, not sure) have a small solar panel on it for charging the batteries. It didn’t create enough power to add any real driving mileage, but at least as far as what Nissan was saying at the time, it created enough power to run things like the

I might have to get a pair and see how they go. I rollerblade and hike a lot and swamp ass is a large issue in both those activities... friggin Ohio humidity.

I might have to get a pair and see how they go. I rollerblade and hike a lot and swamp ass is a large issue in both

Not having an opening fly is a pretty big negative for these in my book. I would seriously get a few if it wasn't for that.

Not having an opening fly is a pretty big negative for these in my book. I would seriously get a few if it wasn't

Thanks! This is my first new car and I am really excited about it. I can’t wait to actually have a vehicle that is nice enough to care about. Plus it is my birthday monday, so it is kind of a birthday present to myself. I didn’t really plan it that way, but it took a while to source a WR Blue one where I live and it

I’m hoping so. I am picking up mine on saturday from the dealership and I am hoping it lasts me a long time.

This so many times THIS!! I personally went to college, because I graduated near the top of my class and I knew that I wanted to go into computer sciences. But I had so many friends who weren’t college material and tried to do it anyway. One of my closest friends started in college for engineering, couldn’t handle the

Try using an adblocker. I have noticed that the normal stories load, and then once they are done, the ads start to load and that causes the page to be jumpy on slower connections. I have noticed the problem is substantially worse on their mobile pages.

For me they aren’t even a guilty pleasure. I am younger (23) and amongst all the blues rock, folk rock, and 3rd gen ska that I listen too, I absolutely love the pop-punk genre and I wish there were more bands in it that still made music.

I also may be biased to like the pop-punk genre because all the members of Relient

Pretty sure that is his American cousin.

This topic, I know a good bit about.

I work in IT for large financial firm, and we deal with this problem a lot. There are actually quite a few products that we have used over the years (as well as other firms that we keep good relations with) specifically for this.

Basically, it boils down to the fact that any

Sorry, I didn’t know that. I had played with one a while ago, but at that time, the only thing that it could do autonomously is that it would stop, hover, and then slowly start to lower itself if you got out of range. In that case, this is an actual drone now.

This is also not a drone. This is an RC quadcopter, it is not capable of completely autonomous flight which is the defining characteristic of a drone. The words drone and quadcopter are not interchangeable, they mean completely different things.

This is not a drone. This is an RC quadcopter, it is not capable of completely autonomous flight which is the defining characteristic of a drone. The words drone and quadcopter are not interchangeable, they mean completely different things.


However, I would be willing to bet that the efficiency gains of keeping local power production and storage, along with clean generation techniques such as solar would more than offset the pollution that the battery and solar panel waste would create after they eventually died. I mean I can't say anything for certain