
Glad its not just me, I was starting to wonder because I haven't noticed anyone talking about it in any of the stories, or at least the ones I have read the comments on.

Unrelated to the story, but I wanted to make you guys aware of it, the past week or so when I try to visit the homepage I get the error shown in the image below. However, if I wait 15-30 minutes and try again things typically work. But then in another 15-30 minutes they may not again. It has happened to me on 2

Look around in some of the rainmeter forums. A lot of people will upload their pre-arranged set-ups.

I use them all the time, they don't really affect start-up at all. I mean you may see a 1 or 2 second more delay than you would without them, but they are pretty instantanious

While it is nearly impossible to tell for sure what it is without access to your computer, this sounds like a classic case of start-up programs slowing things down.

Many programs when you install them tell windows that they want to start running as soon as windows does. All these programs tend to slow the computer down

I think they are pretty much the same, although I have never had to restart WizMouse in the years I have been using it.

Another one I just thought of you may want to include in a write up sometime is WizMouse by antibody software.

It is a great little program that does one of the smallest but easily most convenient things ever. When you are running the program, I just have it set to come on at startup, and your mouse is hovering over a

As a computer tech and programmer for quite a while now, I gotta say you did a great job with this list.

Although I feel like the rest of piriform's (makers of speccy) tools should get mentioned to.

CCleaner - Cleans up temp files that windows likes to keep around for no reason, sometimes numbering in the GB of files.


Auto-braking systems that sense when you're about to crash and either slow or, at least, significantly reduce your speed are apparently getting better according to an IIHS report. Of the 24 vehicles tested, 21 were considered way above average.http://www.detroitnews.com/article/201405...

I will definitely check it out, thanks for the recommendation.

Where do I get started with creating my own more complex circuits for interaction with things like arduino and RaspPi? I mean I have made the typical 5th grade lightbulb attached to a switch and a battery circuit, and I know what a capacitor, resistor, and diode is and the general idea of what they do. But what I

Dear Subaru,

Please make the BRZ available in this color. I plan on buying a BRZ in the next 6-12 months and like yellow, it looks good on sports cars.

Heck I don't care what city I was in. If I was going to be a delivery driver anywhere in a business where I did not now the customers on a personal level, I would be carrying a firearm.

#COTD right there! Thanks for the laugh good sir.

Same here man. Growing up I was highly involved with the Boy Scouts and got my Eagle. The process it takes and all the review boards I had to sit in front of and talk to got me so used to the process at such an early age that they don't bother me at all. When it comes to job interviews now, I typically just wing it,

Thats a good point, I hadn't really thought about the layoffs and stuff that they have had going on, and that I am sure has impacted things within the company big time.

Exactly right, alt-tabbing and having issues is very game-specific, but surprisingly large amount of games seem to screw it up somehow even still today. However, nearly every game that has this issue is fixed by running in Windowed Fullscreen mode, but at that point, you loose the crossfire performance boost.

Totally agree with everything you have said. PhysX for most games is a waste, for most people because of the exact reasons you stated, plus the huge performance hit it takes to actually run it. Same with G-Sync, yeah it is a cool idea, but I have never once in my life, with the huge array of cards, games, and displays

I think it helps that they do tend to target slightly different markets a lot of the time with AMD/Intel going after the mid to high end and AMD aiming at the low to mid end. I mean yeah AMD has some high end GPU's but they don't go as insane and nVidia does. They definitely have some price to performance parts that

No it is definitely true. Crossfire ONLY works in fullscreen mode, there are countless forum threads across wsgf, tomshardware, hardforum, and even game forums like guildwars 2 and battlefield.

Unless a program is running in fullscreen mode, then crossfire can not access the second card. The second card can still be