
EL wire really doesn't have the life to be used. The phosphorous used to make it glow burns out over time, and relatively quickly. Even high end EL wire has a total running time of about 2 years of on time. Not only that but the stuff does get progressively dimmer through that time. LED's are great because as long as

It is for smooth lighting but EL wire/ribbon doesn't have anywhere near the life expectancy of LED's. Also EL wire/ribbon typically isn't nearly as bright.

Most LED's have operating times in the 10's or 100's of 1000's of hours. Realistically the LED's will typically last longer than the car itself. If by chance you do happen to get one or two LED's in the strip that weren't manufactured quite right and do burn out, it would be easiest just to send it in for repair.

Desktop by far. The productivity gains of having 3 screens just can't be matched on the other platforms.

Laptop comes in a close second, because I use it will I am at school to take notes and work on homework, but as soon as I get home, I move over to the desktop.

Phone is in third, I mainly use it just for calls,

Technically Heliocentrism is actually a scientific model, not a theory. Theories are used to explain why events happen. Models are used to represent things as they currently, observably are. Heliocentrism is a model that simply shows that planets go around stars. It makes no claims as to why this is.

For the why, you

That's funny you say this because as a Christian who believe in both creationism and evolution, I have done a lot of research on this.

As far as I am aware all theories for how complex life came about from in-organic matter, don't have much of a following, and none have any real evidence to back them up. There have

Im not sure whats available in your area (straight talk plan availability seems very geographically fragmented). But here in Ohio straight talk does have Smart phone plans at like $45 a month unlimited everything (Only 1gb of 4g per month though and then it drops you to 3g). They also allow the activation of any CDMA

Doesn't have one, so I guess we are quite a bit better in that regard.

I just infuriates me when you here about companies like google or municipalities themselves running their own fiber and how cheaply they do it and affordable the pricing is and the speeds they get, and then people like you and me are stuck paying

I live in Ohio, only parts of the state are covered in voice, and even that your not even in T-Mobile's network technically you are just roaming other networks.

Data is available in Columbus, Cleveland, Canton, Akron, Dayton, Toledo, Sandusky, Mansfield, Chilicothe, and Zanesville and their suburbs. Anywhere else, your

Really its no better here.

In reality we only have 3 choices too. Verizon, Sprint, and AT&T, those are our "big three". The other operators here like t-mobile and US Cellular are so small that unless you live in a relatively large city and don't leave it you can't get service. In my state there are a total of like 10

I am slightly ashamed to say that this was the first car I bought, and 5.5 years later has still been my only car. The reason, I got it dang cheap really. Paid $2,700 for it 5.5 years ago right when I turned 16, and for the money its been a decent car.

But really, the thing has been a decent first car. Not a drivers

Notice the hoodie, its supposed to be Anonymous (the group of hackers). V would never dress like that haha

Actually probably about the same. Li-Ion batteries are actually pretty volatile if the get overheated or over-charged. They will make one heck of a boom. The activation energy for hydrogen is much lower though. Handled correctly both really don't cause a threat.

I think you just gave them an idea for a new Gawker site.

Coming soon from the same media conglomerate that brought you Gizmodo, Lifehacker, and Jalopnik feast your eyes on the all new blog following Elon Musk's every waking minute, Muskopoly.

You apparently haven't looked at our Nuclear Fission tech lately. It's extremely far from zero emission. There isn't much in the way of gas emissions, but all the solid and liquid emissions is a huge problem and they only stay radioactive for a couple thousand years at the short end of things. Not to mention what

So we could charge the cars directly or use electricity to run electrolysis, which can arguably take up as much energy as the hydrogen yields. Or we can use natural gas and oil refining which has hydrogen as a byproduct but that doesn't get us off of non-renewable resources. They are both just less efficient than

Thank you sir for giving me my daily dose of hilarious laughter.

While I don't get why "Sail" is in this commercial, it is at least a decent song. Heck, its arguable AWOLNATION's best song.

I just save the $10 a month and put it into my savings account. If anything goes wrong with my phone or something breaks I use that money to buy the parts and repair it myself, or just buy another off-contract phone as a replacement. It has worked out pretty well for me.

I honestly wish my area would start doing E-Checks just for this very reason.